- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Western Balkans Research and Innovation meeting he...
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Western Balkans Research and Innovation meeting held in Skopje
Published on: Mar 30, 2018 • 2:45 PM Author: Ministarstvo nauke

The Western Balkans Research and Innovation meeting, organized by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Macedonia in cooperation with the European Commission, was held in Skopje on 21 and 22 March 2018. On behalf of the Republic of Bulgaria, which is currently presiding over the EU, the meeting was attended by Prof. Leander Litov, who is also a member of the Steering Committee of the “South-East Europe International Institute for Sustainable Technologies (SEEIIST)” regional project.
On the first day of the meeting, Mr. Bernhard Fabianek from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation presented the Western Balkans’ participation in the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme, highlighting the shared priorities of the region and the need for targeted activities in the coming period with a view to optimal use of the funds available within the programme. In addition, Fabianek presented the new enlargement strategy and six key priorities, with emphasis on the importance of essential reforms.
Prof. Mimoza Ristova, representative of the SEEIIST Steering Committee, addressed the participants on behalf of the Committee and presented the project. In this regard, the representative of Bulgaria confirmed the focus of that country’s presidency on the Western Balkans region, as well as on the regional project.
Ms. Mimika Dobroshi from the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) spoke about the Multi-annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA), which included the International Institute for the programming period of 2018–2020 and made the project appear on the strategic map of the region.
Prof. Miroslav Vesković from the Joint Research Centre DG reflected on the need for an inter-sectoral approach, the role of science in society, the use of results and networking within COST actions for creating partnerships in EU science programmes, cluster activities and the use of JRC knowledge centres. The countries of the Western Balkans presented their achievements in the field of research and innovation, with a focus on the strategic framework, science and development budgets and current support instruments. Conclusions of the first day of the meeting related to active participation in H2020 programme committees, additional training and capacity building for participation in the programme, identification of joint thematic priorities in research, as well as to networking through COST actions to create solid consortia.
The second day of the meeting started with the presentation of Mr. Aleš Gnamuš from the Joint Research Centre DG, who presented the way in which JRC could contribute to the improvement of national activities related to smart specialization. Representatives of Tambourine Innovation Ventures and META Group introduced the attendees with the work of those organizations and the possible support they could provide to the countries of the Western Balkans in the context of strengthening their capacity for smart specialization. After that, all countries presented their economic reform programmes and the status of activities in the field of smart specialization. It was concluded that this concept ought to become the priority of the research and innovation agenda in the region.
The focus on the next panel was on the SEEIIST regional project. The project participants presented the status of the current activities and exchanged ideas on future steps. During the discussion, the preparation of the Memorandum of Cooperation and the decision on one option of the project was highlighted, which will be discussed at the second meeting of the Steering Committee in Tirana on 30 March 2018, as well as the capacity building through the IAEA regional project of technical cooperation and the preparatory activities on preparing the main design. In the upcoming period, the parties should show full commitment to the joint project and achieve optimal common solutions for its implementation.
Montenegro’s achievements in the field of research and innovation were presented at the meeting by Milena Milonjić, member of the National Smart Specialization Team and Marijeta Barjaktarović Lanzardi, contact person for the SEEIIST regional project.
On the first day of the meeting, Mr. Bernhard Fabianek from the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation presented the Western Balkans’ participation in the EU's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Framework Programme, highlighting the shared priorities of the region and the need for targeted activities in the coming period with a view to optimal use of the funds available within the programme. In addition, Fabianek presented the new enlargement strategy and six key priorities, with emphasis on the importance of essential reforms.
Prof. Mimoza Ristova, representative of the SEEIIST Steering Committee, addressed the participants on behalf of the Committee and presented the project. In this regard, the representative of Bulgaria confirmed the focus of that country’s presidency on the Western Balkans region, as well as on the regional project.
Ms. Mimika Dobroshi from the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) spoke about the Multi-annual Action Plan on a Regional Economic Area (MAP REA), which included the International Institute for the programming period of 2018–2020 and made the project appear on the strategic map of the region.
Prof. Miroslav Vesković from the Joint Research Centre DG reflected on the need for an inter-sectoral approach, the role of science in society, the use of results and networking within COST actions for creating partnerships in EU science programmes, cluster activities and the use of JRC knowledge centres. The countries of the Western Balkans presented their achievements in the field of research and innovation, with a focus on the strategic framework, science and development budgets and current support instruments. Conclusions of the first day of the meeting related to active participation in H2020 programme committees, additional training and capacity building for participation in the programme, identification of joint thematic priorities in research, as well as to networking through COST actions to create solid consortia.
The second day of the meeting started with the presentation of Mr. Aleš Gnamuš from the Joint Research Centre DG, who presented the way in which JRC could contribute to the improvement of national activities related to smart specialization. Representatives of Tambourine Innovation Ventures and META Group introduced the attendees with the work of those organizations and the possible support they could provide to the countries of the Western Balkans in the context of strengthening their capacity for smart specialization. After that, all countries presented their economic reform programmes and the status of activities in the field of smart specialization. It was concluded that this concept ought to become the priority of the research and innovation agenda in the region.
The focus on the next panel was on the SEEIIST regional project. The project participants presented the status of the current activities and exchanged ideas on future steps. During the discussion, the preparation of the Memorandum of Cooperation and the decision on one option of the project was highlighted, which will be discussed at the second meeting of the Steering Committee in Tirana on 30 March 2018, as well as the capacity building through the IAEA regional project of technical cooperation and the preparatory activities on preparing the main design. In the upcoming period, the parties should show full commitment to the joint project and achieve optimal common solutions for its implementation.
Montenegro’s achievements in the field of research and innovation were presented at the meeting by Milena Milonjić, member of the National Smart Specialization Team and Marijeta Barjaktarović Lanzardi, contact person for the SEEIIST regional project.
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