- Government of Montenegro
Foreign Minister Darmanović: For Montenegro it was...
Foreign Minister Darmanović: For Montenegro it was quite normal to act together with our NATO allies
Minister of Foreign Affairs Srđan Darmanović said that Montenegro had no dilemma when it was necessary to react to chemical weapons attack in the UK.
“We believe that the use of chemical weapons in a sovereign UK is a dangerous violation of international law. It was an attack against the citizens of a sovereign country and it has been for the first time since The World War II that a chemical weapon was used on European soil. Whatever the case, if Russia actually was behind it or if Russia lost control over this weapon, it is quite clear that there is a responsibility on Russian side, and we haven't received credible answers how it happened. This is why the Allies acted in such a massive way,” Minister Darmanović said at a press conference in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Asked by a Bulgarian journalist to explain our reaction, Minister Darmanović said that “for Montenegro it was quite normal to act together with its Allies”.
“We have already been there, we endured an attack against us in October 2016, when a coup was attempted in Montenegro and allies provided us with generous help to find out what had happened and to communicate it to the world. And now it’s time to demonstrate the same solidarity, since we take our NATO membership as well as our future EU membership very seriously, and we believe that we should defend the common values,” Minister of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro Srđan Darmanović said.