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Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation EMBL and EMBO delegation presents programmes for r...
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EMBL and EMBO delegation presents programmes for researchers and students from Montenegro
Published on: Apr 5, 2018 • 5:45 PM Author: Ministry of Science

VIDEO: Minister of Science Sanja Damjanovic - statement

Addressing the participants at a workshop held at the Rectorate of the University of Montenegro, high representatives of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) and the European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) familiarized researchers and students from Montenegro with the cooperation programmes and competitions open for applications. On behalf of EMBO and EMBL, the participants were addressed by Dr. Silke Schumacher, Director International Relations at EMBL, and Hana Jurina from the same department.

Minister of Science Dr. Sanja Damjanović thanked the delegation for its second visit to Montenegro, which ensued after the meetings of the EMBO and EBML Council held in November last year in Hamburg, when Montenegro formally became a member of these prestigious European scientific institutions. This will, as she pointed out, create great opportunities to Montenegrin scientists, enabling them to utilize the advice provided by the delegation on how to make the best use of the advantages of membership.

- Strengthening research capacities and innovation through internationalization, integration into large infrastructures and joining international research projects are the priorities of the Ministry of Science. This will enable access to new technologies and will encourage networking and contribute to increasing participation in EU framework programmes such as Horizon 2020, providing for transfer of knowledge and technology, as well as the establishment of new companies. Internationalization is a priority today, even for developed countries, because no country can independently overcome the existing global challenges. Small countries, such as Montenegro, do not have any alternative in this regard, Minister Damjanović said in her introductory address.

Prof. Dr. Predrag Miranović, Director of the Centre for Doctoral Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Montenegro, thanked Minister Damjanović for initiating and launching the idea to connect Montenegrin researchers with renowned world laboratories. These scientific centres do not only provide good conditions and state-of-the-art equipment, but also give our researchers a possibility to be at the forefront of world scientific research.
- This is the only way ahead for Montenegro given the size of the country, and it is not realistic to expect that we can independently engage in science at the world level. This is our chance to be part of a larger system, a consortium, to connect with good research groups and to be at the forefront of world science, Prof. Miranović stated, adding that the benefits of mobility are not enjoyed only by researchers, but also by their home institutions, as well as that he was very pleased with the cooperation established with EMBL and EMBO as the Dean of the Faculty of Science and Mathematics.
Montenegrin researchers and students are presented with an opportunity to get actively involved in international projects implemented by these two institutions, which will enable the use of state-of-the-art technology in the field of molecular biology and medicine. EMBL and EMBO offer a large number of programmes and fellowships, and students of doctoral studies will have the opportunity to stay in these institutions for several months.
Previously today, the delegation of EMBL and EMBO discussed the details of cooperation models with Minister Damjanović.
Silke Schumacher, Director International Relations at EMBL, proposed that an official visit of interested students from Montenegro to these institutions is organized in the second half of the year, in order for them to get to know more about the work of the institutions and to define potential research subjects. Schumacher also familiarized Minister Damjanović with the programmes for secondary school biology teachers, who can attend courses organized by these prestigious organizations.
At the meeting, which was also attended by Hana Jurina from the EMBL Department of International Relations, the workshop moderator and the national contact person for cooperation with EMBL and EMBO Dr. Danilo Mrdak from the Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Montenegro, and Đurđina Bulatović, Adviser in the Office of the Minister of Science, it was concluded that it was necessary to sign an agreement with the University of Montenegro in order to enable students to actively use the programmes offered. In this regard, the delegation of EMBL and EMBO paid an official visit to the Rectorate of the University of Montenegro, meeting with the Rector, Prof. Dr. Danilo Nikolić.
The second workshop with representatives of EMBL and EMBO will take place on 5 April at the Institute for Children’s Diseases of the Clinical Centre of Montenegro, starting at 9 am.
Montenegro will participate in the next session of the EMBO and EBML Council in Hamburg this July, where it will have an observer status.
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