- Government of Montenegro
Press release from Cabinet session
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
Press release from Cabinet session
Published on: Apr 5, 2018 • 9:44 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (5 April 12018) -- At today's 71st session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Safety and Health at Work. The amendments aim to harmonise domestic legislation with the Council of Europe and European Parliament's directives concerning measures to encourage improvements in the safety and health of employees at work and minimum requirements for health and safety in temporary or mobile construction sites, as well as with the standards of the International Labour Organisation. The law provides for the obligation to designate one or more coordinators for safety and health at work is when the works are performed or are planned to be performed by two or more contractors. The investor must determine the coordinator/coordinators for safety and health at work, especially for the project development phase and especially for the phase of the construction works. Today's discussion concluded that the Law will contribute to raising the level of safety and health at work through the legal obligation and responsibility of the relevant subjects in the working environment
Today's session also passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Plant Nutrition Products. The amendments prescribe additional harmonisation with the EU Services Directive and specify certain provisions relating to ammonium nitrate fertilizer with high nitrogen concentration, which are treated in a specific manner, link certain articles of the law relating to the first placing on the market of plant nutrition products with their registration in the register, and specify conditions for importers of plant nutrition products.
In order to ensure the implementation of the Law on Food Safety and fully harmonise with the EU acquis, the Cabinet passed the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Food Additives and the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Microbiological Criteria for Food Safety.
The Cabinet approved the list of key priority infrastructure projects adopted by the National Investment Commission on 26 March.
The Government also approved the Action Plan for food safety control in the 2018 summer tourist season.
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