- Government of Montenegro
Government fulfils 94% of its obligations in Q1 20...
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Government fulfils 94% of its obligations in Q1 2018. PM Marković: We work in intense, committed and responsible manner
Published on: Apr 12, 2018 • 11:34 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (12 April 2018) -- In the first quarter of 2018, the Government of Montenegro worked in intense, committed and responsible manner, Prime Minister Duško Marković said at today's Cabinet session regarding the adopted Report on the Implementation of the Program of Work of the Government of Montenegro for the first quarter of 2018, according to which the level of fulfilling obligations in the reporting period was 94%.
"This kind of work is reflected in concrete and actual changes in our economic life: the economy has maintained a good trend, revenues have been collected at a satisfactory level, above the plan, investments have been continued, preconditions have been created for the improvement of our important sector - energy, in agriculture we have a good trend, and there are also good signals from the processing and metal sectors. And this is our essential result, in addition to the indicators from the report, which are excellent," Prime Minister Dusko Marković explained.
The report shows that 100% results were achieved by 14 out of 18 ministries: Ministry of Economy, Ministry of European Affairs, Ministry of Public Administration, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Science, Ministry of Defence, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Health and the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights.
In addition to the topics envisaged by the Annual Programme of Work for 2018, the Government reviewed in the Q1 a total of 416 other topics: 9 draft laws, 16 regulations, 75 decisions, 1 strategy, 74 information, 25 reports, 6 contracts and 41 platforms. The Government gave opinions or consents to 5 initiatives for assessment of constitutionality and legality and considered 155 other topics within the competence of the Government.
Such an intensity of work and the results achieved testify to the scope of activities, efficiency and commitment of the Government to addressing daily life issues, the 72nd session of the Montenegrin Cabinet underlined.
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