- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 72nd Cabinet session
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Press release from 72nd Cabinet session
Published on: Apr 13, 2018 • 12:29 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (12 April 2018) -- At today's 72nd session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Report on the Implementation of the Programme of Work of the Government of Montenegro for the first quarter of 2018.
Today’s session also passed the Regulation on the amount of financial assistance for foreigners seeking international protection of asylum seekers and foreigners under subsidiary protection. The regulation states that a foreigner seeking international protection, in exercising their right to settlement, may be granted financial assistance amounting to EUR 50 during their stay in the country. Furthermore, the asylum seeker and the foreigner under subsidiary protection are entitled to a monthly financial assistance totalling: EUR 66.68 for individuals; EUR 80.08 for 2-member families; EUR 96.11 for 3-member families; EUR 113.47 for 4-member families and EUR 126.77 for families with 5 or more members.
The Cabinet passed the Information on the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding between the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro and the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Greece regarding cooperation within the Athens Multinational Strategic Sealift Coordination Centre (AMSCC). Montenegro needs to provide strategic transport for participation in international missions, operations and exercises within the framework of appropriate bilateral and multilateral agreements and agreements with partner countries and organisations. Membership of the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro in this organisation would help achieve the goal of the Strategic Transport of National Forces, which is defined by the Montenegrin Integration Plan in NATO. Membership of the Ministry of Defence in the AMSCC, as well as the services provided by the AMSCC, are free of charge.
The First Annual Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy 2017-2018 was also approved at today’s session. The report contains an overview of the activities undertaken and a detailed statistical overview of the degree of implementation of the planned measures in the reporting period. In the period 1 January 2017 – 31 December 2017, out of a total of 137 matured activities, 24 activities were implemented, or 17.52%; 110 activities, or 80.29% are being implemented, 2 activities were partially implemented (1.46%), while one activity (0.73%) was not implemented.
In order to build new production capacities and attract foreign direct investments, the Government passed the Decision on Drafting Amendments to the Detailed Spatial Plan for the "KAP Industrial Zone" - for UP8 premises. At the time of preparation and adoption of the current Detailed Spatial Plan of the "KAP Industrial Zone" of 2008, different regulations related to the index of construction of industrial zones that proved to be unsustainable for the industrial zone and did not allow for new investments and construction of new contents were in force. It was emphasised that planned investments can be implemented only with respect to high modern environmental standards and the application of new technologies in accordance with domestic legislation and European directives in environmental protection.
The Decision on Drafting Amendments to the Detailed Urban Plan "KAP Industrial Zone" for UP1 and UP3 was also passed at today’s session.
The Cabinet passed the Report on the work of the Concession Commission for 2017. The report, which will be forwarded to the Parliament, provides an overview of all current concession agreements, with information on their status.
Today’s session also passed the Report on the work of the Council for Cooperation with Emigrants for 2017.
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