- Government of Montenegro
Government decides to increase State's share in EP...
Government decides to increase State's share in EPCG
Podgorica, Montenegro (17 April 2018) -- On
the basis of the obtained opinion of the majority of the members of the
Government, without holding a session, the Government of Montenegro adopted today
the Proposal
of the Contract on execution of the Path Option and forwarded it to the
Parliament for consideration.
The proposal envisages that the State will
pay EUR 68.9 million for 17,252,885 shares instead of the first tranche of EUR
35.7 million for 7,826,438 shares, and will increase in May 2018 the ownership
stake in Montenegro's power utility Elektroprivreda Crne Gore (EPCG) from 57.01%
to 70.16% instead of initially predicted 63%. In addition to acquiring
two-thirds ownership and adequate shareholder rights, the State in this way
practically returns in the first step its ownership stake in the EPCG to the
level it had before the partial privatisation and recapitalisation in 2009.
According to the Contract, the remaining
shares will be taken over by the EPCG through the mechanism for acquiring own
shares, in accordance with the Law on Companies and by the State in alternate
The Contract also provides for the
possibility of returning to the basic payment scenario in case any of the
planned tranches of acquiring own shares can not be realised.
Compared to the basic version of the
Contract from August 2016, the new Contract achieves a threefold faster
realisation of the breakdown clause of the strategic partnership, creates
preconditions for defining clear development and investment plans in the
national power utility, but also provides significant financial savings in the
amount of around EUR 20 million, or 8% of the initially contracted path option.
The new Contract confirms the responsible attitude of the State under
contractual obligations.