- Government of Montenegro
Minister Sekulić and Minister Pribilović to partic...
Minister Sekulić and Minister Pribilović to participate in Western Balkans Digital Summit in Skopje
Minister of Economy Dragica Sekulić and Minister of Public Administration Suzana Pribilović will participate in the Western Balkans Digital Summit, which will take place on 18 and 19 April in Skopje.
Minister Sekulić will take part in the panel of six government ministers of the Western Balkans "Connecting WB6 to the pan-European digital market", where she will discuss the strategic goals of the Government of Montenegro in the field of information and communication technologies (ICT).
The panel of heads of government will be an opportunity for Minister Sekulić to present the efforts of the Government in creating conditions for the dynamic development of new generation networks, improving regional connectivity, spectrum policy, roaming, e-services and widespread use of ICT in the work of public administration, economic activities and society as a whole.
Minister Pribilović will present the results of Montenegro so far in the framework of the "Confidence and Security" panel on the topic of regional and international partnership for safe and secure cyber space. The panel will discuss the readiness of states to respond to the cyberspace of the region, as well as on the state of harmonization of legal frameworks in the field of cyber security in the Western Balkans.
The first Digital Summit of the Western Balkans will gather representatives of governments from the European Union (EU) countries participating in the Berlin Process, representatives of the European Commission (EC), the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), as well as representatives of the information and information technology companies technologies, academia and young people - with the aim of achieving concrete results in terms of a digital platform for the exchange of ideas and proposals.
Within the Digital Summit in Skopje, meetings, round tables, panel discussions and exhibition fair (EXPO) will be organized.
EXPO is a unique opportunity for companies in the digital industry to present their innovative products and services, but also to connect with potential partners who will take part in the Summit.