- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 74th Cabinet session
Press release from 74th Cabinet session
Podgorica, Montenegro (26 April 2018) -- At today's 74th session, the Montenegrin Cabinet Draft Law on the President of Montenegro, which regulates the institution of the President, his rights during the performance of his duties, the manner of securing material and other conditions for performing his function, as well as the rights of the President after the termination of office.
In the framework of creating normative preconditions for the formation of a new negotiating structure in the field of European integrations, the Cabinet passed: the Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Organisation and Manner of the Work of the State Administration, Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Government of Montenegro, Regulation Amending the Regulation on the General Secretariat of the Government of Montenegro, Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Office of the Prime Minister of Montenegro, Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Organisation of Decentralised Management of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance of the European Union and the Regulation Amending the Regulation on the Organisation of Indirect Management of the Implementation of Financial Assistance under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA II), and passed the Decision Amending the Decision on the establishment of the negotiating structure for the accession of Montenegro to the European Union.
These acts has regulated the work of the Ministry of European Affairs so far. The performance of the activities related to the accession of Montenegro to the European Union is taken over by the Office of the Chief Negotiator, which is established within the Office of the Prime Minister. The work of the Office is managed by the Chief Negotiator, who is responsible for his work and work of the Office to the Prime Minister and the Government. In addition to the Chief Negotiator, there will be also positions of the Deputy Chief Negotiator for the Chapters of the European Union Legal Status, Deputy Chief Negotiator - National IPA Coordinator, Adviser to the Chief Negotiator, and one advisor to the Deputy Chief Negotiators, respectively.
In line with the defined scope of activities, the documents regulates the issue of takeover from the Ministry of European Affairs of persons who performed the tasks of senior management, civil servants and state employees, as well as the taking over of equipment and official documentation.
The discussion noted that the new model, which has already been presented to the European Commission, enables more efficient organisation of work and the fulfilment of obligations, and that with this arrangement, the Government sends a political message to both the domestic public and the European Union that European integration is Montenegro’s priority policy.
The Government adopted the Information on unlawful and tendentious propagation of untruths related to the history of Budva and recommended to the Supreme State Prosecutor to review the advertising boards and decide whether there are features of offences prosecuted ex-officio.
The Cabinet also passed the Draft Law Amending the Criminal Code of Montenegro, which stipulates criminal offenses and criminal-law protection in the field of urban planning and construction of facilities. The draft law introduce new criminal offenses - construction of buildings without registration and documentation for construction, construction of a complex engineering facility without a building permit, as well as unlawful connection to the infrastructure. Furthermore, amendments were proposed regarding the persons responsible for designing, revision of technical documentation, execution of works and professional supervision of the construction of the facility, as well as recognition of environmental disorders due to the behaviour of responsible persons contrary to the regulations or generally accepted technical rules.
The Government approved the Information on the public offer for the takeover of shares of Pljevlja Coal Mine, published by the Electric Power Industry of Montenegro (EPCG) , adopted at today's session of the Privatisation and Capital Projects Council.
Today's session also approved the Information on granting approval for the signing of the Annex of the Financing Agreement between the European Investment Bank and the Railway Infrastructure of Montenegro for the Montenegro Railway Project II and adopted Amendment 2 and Amendment 3.
The Government adopted the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Employment and Human Resources Development for 2017. The realisation of the measures and activities defined by the plan has resulted in a trend of recovery of labour market’s indicators in certain quarters, which is reflected in the reduction of the unemployment rate with an increase in employment compared to the beginning of the year.