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Announcement: “Smart Specialization: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competiveness” Conference

Published on: Apr 27, 2018 2:53 PM Author: Ministarstvo nauke
With a view to promoting the Smart Specialization Strategy, the Ministry of Science of Montenegro is organizing a conference entitled – Smart Specialization: Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness. The conference will take place on 11 May 2018, at the Hilton Hotel in Podgorica.
Montenegro has started the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process – EDP, which represents the third phase in the development of the Smart Specialization Strategy, following a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the economic, innovative and scientific research potential.

At this stage, businesses have the most important role. In order to further promote the S3 strategy, the conference will be attended by representatives of the Joint Research Centre (JRC), EDP consultants, representatives of businesses, representatives of the academic community, members of the Core and Extended Team, as well as members of the Inter-Agency Working Group for Drafting the S3 Strategy. Consultative support for this stage of the Strategy preparation has been provided by the JRC.

Smart specialization is a concept adopted by the European Union to ensure regional development based on innovation and synergy of diversity. It is a document to be prepared by the Ministry of Science, in close cooperation with the Ministry of Economy.

S3 is a leading principle that brings together business community, scientific research and public institutions and citizens, with the primary goal of developing and using innovations to foster economic growth and competitiveness through the application of an existing knowledge and competencies base in order to use market potentials and address social challenges.

The main goal of S3 is to increase the competitiveness of the Montenegrin economy by concentrating knowledge resources and linking them to a limited number of priorities. S3 will also enable the development of new sectoral areas or industries by investing in research and innovation in areas that contain strategic potential in our country.

The identification of key priorities in S3 will allow concentration of research capacities and infrastructure. This will bring benefits to both the public and the private sector, which will in turn bring together a critical mass of researchers who will work together on strategic R&D topics in order to achieve research excellence and ensure their commercialization.
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