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Parliament ratifies the Agreement by which Montenegro becomes a full member of EMBL and EMBO

Published on: Apr 28, 2018 2:44 PM Author: Ministry of Science
The Parliament of Montenegro has ratified the Agreement by which Montenegro has become a full member of the prestigious European scientific organizations for molecular biology – EMBL and EMBO.

Today’s ratification of the Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Conference and the Agreement establishing the European Molecular Biology Laboratory has created the legal requirements for their full implementation.

In this way, Montenegro has joined the full membership of the largest European institutions in the field of “live sciences” and closely related research areas.

In addition to scientific, technological, and economic significance, Montenegro’s accession to full membership in EMBC and EMBL also has political importance, especially in the context of European integration, better positioning of Montenegro in the European Research Area (ERA), strengthening of the image of the country, as well as better positioning of Montenegro in the implementation of the project of regional International Scientific Institute for Sustainable Technologies in South East Europe.

By accessing these renowned international institutions, our researchers will be enabled access to international scientific infrastructure, state-of-the-art technology, and quality research at the European level, as well as integration within the European scientific community. The general programme of these institutions is mainly focused on providing a wide range of programmes for young people, such as various types of doctoral and postdoctoral fellowships, trainings, courses, workshops, and grants for start-ups.

The mobility of researchers and work in international scientific collaborations will boost the competitiveness of our scientists and reduce brain-drain, because the possibility of accessing data will enable Montenegrin researchers to conduct research from their home institutions, applying the knowledge they acquire in other areas as well and contributing to the development of the country.
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