Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Statement by DPM and Justice Minister Zoran Pažin after visiting Vijesti daily: Clear instructions given to security authorities

Published on: May 10, 2018 12:06 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (9 May 2018) - - “Minister of the Interior and I visited earlier today the Vijesti daily premises, where we spoke to the management and employees about the last night's brutal attack on their colleague, journalist Olivera Lakić.

This attack is a serious blow to the fundamental democratic values of Montenegro. It is, therefore, necessary that the perpetrators of this shameful act are given a strong and unequivocal answer from the State, but also from the entire society. The responsibility of the executive branch of power is clear here - the security authorities have been ordered to devote all the available resources to this case, to invest all the effort and all the knowledge in order to bring the perpetrators to justice. The instructions given are very clear and the Government expects quick and concrete results. This is something that not only members of the journalistic profession, but the entire Montenegro as well, expect from us.

However, as a society, we must not stop just arresting those responsible for the attack. It is an inadmissible practice, and here I fully agree with Ms Lakic's colleagues, that the courts impose penalties close to the legal minimum for crimes that constitute a brutal attack on social values. As a former long-time judge and today’s Minister of Justice, I will personally initiate a dialogue with a view to making our judiciary recognise this significant social issue. The penalties imposed by the courts for violence against journalists must send a strong and unequivocal message from the State that an attack on journalists is actually an attack on Montenegro's right to think and speak freely, and that anyone who dares to do that will be punished severely.

Last night, Montenegro unanimously condemned this attack on freedom of speech and showed zero tolerance for violence as a reaction to a different or critical view.

We must, however, as a society, and all of us individually, show much more understanding for different and critical opinions and, together, in both actions and words, contribute to creating a favourable environment for freedom of expression."


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