Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Air Policing mission over Montenegro to be launched on Tuesday, 5 June

Published on: Jun 2, 2018 10:07 PM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (2 June 2018) -- Fighter aircrafts of the Air Force of Italy and the Air Force of Greece, in cooperation with the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Montenegro, will start on Tuesday, 5 June, 2018, the regular patrolling of Montenegro's airspace and its protection (Air Policing Mission) by demonstrating an "aircraft-intruder" landing exercise.

The Air Policing Mission is one of the most important forms of direct benefit of Montenegro's membership in NATO.

Given its limited capacities, Montenegro will receive support from Allies in the field of airspace protection through the NATO mission of non-combat character, for which Montenegro will have no additional financial obligations other than those already foreseen in the joint NATO budget.

NATO Air Policing Mission ensures the integrity of Allies’ airspace and protects Alliance nations by maintaining 24/7 Air Policing, carried out under the NATO Integrated Air and Missile Defence System (NATINAMDS).

Cooperation of Allies in the protection of those Allies who are without the necessary means to provide air policing of their own territory, which started in 1961, includes the protection of the airspace of Iceland and Luxembourg; of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania since 2004 - in which up to now the aviation of 14 Allies have participated, and of Slovenia, whose airspace has been protected by Italian and Hungarian aircrafts. Furthermore, since 2009, the airplanes of Italy and Greece have been protecting the airspace of Albania, and starting from Tuesday, 5 June 2018, the airspace of Montenegro will also be protected. Since 2015, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg have been jointly protecting their airspace.

On the occasion of the beginning of the protection of Montenegro's airspace on the day of the first anniversary of the country's membership in NATO, on Tuesday, 5 June, the media representatives will be enabled to cover a part of the exercise and have interviews with Minister of Defense Predrag Bošković and competent high-ranking officers of the Armed Forces of Montenegro and the allied countries that will be carrying out the Air Policing mission.

Information for media (in Montenegrin)

Ulogu letilice-uljeza koja će biti presretnuta ima avion Vlade Crne Gore (Lear Jet 45 – Reg. 40-MNE).

Mediji mogu snimiti dio pokazne vježbe iz Vojnog aerodroma Golubovci prema sljećem rasporedu: do 08:45 Dolazak predstavnika medija na vojni aerodrom Golubovci

Po dolasku zvanice i novinari se smještaju u hangar, kamermani osetaju na stajanci da snime polijetanje aviona

09:10 Ministar odbrane Predrag Bošković i predstavnik NATO-a ulaze u avion koji će biti presretnut

09:20 Avion koji će biti presretnut polijeće. Kamermani snimaju polijetanje

09:25 - 09:45 Brifing za zvanice i medije o zaštiti vazdušnog prostora: predstavnik NATO-a

09:45 - 10:05 Zvanice i mediji izlaze na stajanku da vide i snime prelet aviona i slijetanje presertnutog aviona

10:05 - 10:30 Izjave za medije i odgovori na pitanja novinara: ministar odbrane Predrag Bošković, general Sivano Frigerio i komandant borbenih snaga Vazduhoplovstva Italije za region Milana

Novinari i snimatelji treba da budu najkasnije u 08:30 pred ulaznom kapijom Vojnog aerodroma Golubovci.

Podatke o novinarima i snimateljima i o vozilu koje će ući u vojni dio aerodroma potrebno je dostaviti Službi za odnose s javnošću Ministarstva odbrane na adresu elektronske pošte do ponedjeljka, 4. juna 2018. godine u 12:00.

Služba za odnose s javnošću Vlade Crne Gore obezbijediće medijima fotografije i video snimke polijetanja aviona NATO-a na vježbu i njihovog slijetanja nakon vježbe kao i fotografije i video snimke presretanja i to iz presretnutug aviona i aviona presretača. Služba za odnose s javnošću takođe će snimiti i staviti medijima na raspolaganje i snimke sa Vojnog aerodroma Golubovci, odnosno fotografije i snimke dijela vježbe kojem će prisustvovati predstavnici medija.


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