- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation Priorities defined by the Smart Specialization Str...
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Priorities defined by the Smart Specialization Strategy – a basis for using European funds
Published on: Aug 29, 2018 • 7:09 PM Author: Ministry of Science
The final meetings for defining the priorities of the Smart Specialization Strategy, which is done through the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process (EDP), took place on 28-29 August in the premises of the Ministry of Economy. The participants have provided quality suggestions and comments on the basis of which individual documents will be finalized for each priority, which form a key part of the Strategy.

Priorities defined by the Strategy, whose implementation will commence next year, will be the basis for applying to and using national funding schemes and European funds, through which significant funds will be allocated for development projects in the priority areas defined.
The meetings have been attended by representatives of the academic, business, public and civil sectors in the following areas of development of Montenegro, identified as areas of potential priority in this process: Information and Communication Technologies (ICT); Renewable Energy; Sustainable Agriculture and Food Value Chains; New Materials and Sustainable Technologies; and Sustainable and Health Tourism. The response of the participants has been very satisfactory, as was the case with the workshops held in the previous months.

In addition, the participants have devoted considerable attention to defining a vision that explicitly reflects each sector and has the potential for independent action, setting the goals by 2022 with specific indicators and measures on the basis of which the implementation of S3 will be assessed and evaluating each priority in terms of the contribution of Montenegro in relation to the EU (international dimension).
Consultants for the Entrepreneurial Discovery Process, Ms. Marjana Majerič, Assistant General Manager at Technology Park Ljubljana, and Mr. Aleš Pevc, Project Management Consultant at the Park, have provided useful advice with a view to finalizing the priorities, assessing that the action could be a great potential for Montenegro if good connection was established with other countries in the field of research.
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