- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 88th Cabinet session
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Press release from 88th Cabinet session
Published on: Sep 6, 2018 • 11:45 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (6 September 2018) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet considered the request of Italy for the reception of migrants from the Diciotto ship in Catania and expressed its willingness to welcome up to 5 migrants in Montenegro, thus respecting the principles of humanity and solidarity with people in need, as traditional values of the Montenegrin society.
The decision was made unanimously, thus confirming Montenegro’s commitment to the European system of values and readiness to affirm the dignity of people.
The Cabinet also passed the Regulation on the conditions, method of acquiring and using the national brand logo in the public sector. The passing of the regulation creates conditions for a unique representation of Montenegro and its competitive advantages through a visual identity, that is, a logo that will follow the appropriate slogan. The joint use of the national brand of public sector entities will enable a stronger transfer of a unique message to the foreign public. The regulation will come into force on 1 January 2019.
The Cabinet also passed the Regulation Amending the Regulation on Establishing a Network of Air Quality Monitoring Points, which legally regulates the first revision of the network of measuring points for air quality monitoring, which is carried out regularly every five years in accordance with the Law on Air Protection. The first revision plans to expand the network from the current 7 to 10 metering points and move certain existing metering points to more representative locations or sites that are considered potentially more vulnerable. Also, it is envisaged to establish a measuring point for monitoring transboundary transmission of pollution at large distances in order to spread knowledge about the transboundary impact of pollution.
Today’s session adopted the Information on the Preparation of the Montenegro’s Economic Reform Programme 2019-2021 and adopted the Decision on the establishment of a working team for developing the programme. It was emphasised that this is timely information regarding a very important and demanding job regarding the preparation of a document in which the Government should present the economic policy of Montenegro for the next year and the medium term as the basis for economic dialogue with the European Commission in the process of European integration.
Within the reform of the judicial system, the Government issued a report on the project "Improving the efficiency of the judiciary” - Application of ICT in the judiciary and accepted the Agreement on joint financing of the project between the United Nations Development Programme and the Government of Montenegro. The discussion emphasised that the information system of the judiciary has been recognised as a system of special importance for the Montenegrin society and for the progress of Montenegro on its path to EU integration, which is also defined in the Judicial Reform Strategy for the period 2014-2018, as well as the Action Plan for Chapter 23.
The Cabinet session adopted the Information on the Second Public Call for the Promotion of Cluster Development in Montenegro for the period 2017-2020, for 2018. Within the public invitation for participation in the programme, announced on 10 May 2018, 8 out of 16 submitted applications met all the prescribed conditions and criteria. The process of implementation of the project activities by clusters with which contracts have been signed is in progress. The total budget of the programme for 2018 is 150,000 euros, while the total value of signed subsidies amounts to 97,612.50 euros. Due to the interest of the clusters for participation in the programme, a decision was made to announce another public call for a period of 15 days, for which the remaining 52.387,50 euros will be spent. This Programme has been implemented continuously since 2012 with the aim of encouraging the development of clusters, more efficient functioning, better promotion and achieving a better competitive position of small and medium enterprises on national and international markets.
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