- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 89th Cabinet session
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Press release from 89th Cabinet session
Published on: Sep 13, 2018 • 11:44 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (13 September 2018) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet adopted the Regulation Amending the Regulation on the General Secretariat of the Government of Montenegro. The amendments have been initiated with the aim of creating formal legal conditions for the implementation of the activities set out in the Action Plan for the implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2018-2020 related to further development and improvement of public policy coordination and medium-term planning of the work of the Government and ministries. Accordingly, the amendments stipulate that the General Secretariat of the Government carries out tasks related to determining, coordinating activities and participating in the preparation of the programme of work of the Government and ministries and monitoring their implementation.
On the initiative of the Union of the Municipalities of Montenegro, the Government reviewed and approved the Draft Law Amending the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Facilities and sent it to the Parliament for consideration under the shortened procedure.
The Union of Municipalities of Montenegro sent a day before today's session an initiative to the Government to extend the deadline for the adoption of planning documents prescribed by Article 217 of the Law, stating in the explanation that the municipalities of Bijelo Polje, Žabljak, Tivat and Rožaje and the Old Royal Capital of Cetinje requested it.
The initiative states that 16 planning documents are in the final stage of preparation and adoption, but due to various objective reasons, they cannot be adopted within the legal deadline or until 1 October. Since further economic and overall development of the areas elaborated by the plan depends on the adoption of the planning documents, the Government suggested the prescribed deadline to be extended until 31 December.
The Cabinet also approved the Draft Decision on the adoption of the Spatial Plan of Special Purpose of the National Park "Skadar Lake". The basic goal of the plan is to comply with the current regulations and standards and commitments of the Spatial Plan of Montenegro, create formal and planned assumptions for the planned development, organisation and regulation of Skadar Lake area in line with the basic development commitments and principles of sustainable development.
Within the framework of regular communication and exchange of views with the Parliament of Montenegro on the current issues and challenges of the EU negotiation process, the Eighteenth Quarterly Report on the overall activities in the process of integration of Montenegro into the European Union for the period April-June 2018 was adopted at today’s session. The report covers the most important events concerning the political dialogue of Montenegro with the European Union, accession negotiations, public information, activities of the Committee on European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro, implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, harmonisation of the national legislation with the EU acquis and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA.
Furthermore, the Government adopted the Draft Conclusion Amending the Conclusions of the Government of Montenegro of 26 July 2018 on the consideration of the draft decisions on the education of working groups for the preparation and conduct of negotiations on the accession of Montenegro to the European Union for negotiation chapters 1 to 24 and 26 to 33. The amendments comprise the introduction of legal technical corrections of the text of decisions concerning the legal basis for their adoption, the names and titles of the members of the negotiating groups.
The Government adopted the Analysis of Public Administration Open Data Readiness Assessment, which emphasises the starting position, the existing legal framework, possible obstacles to the realisation of the project for publishing data in open format. Open data are information generated by public authorities in a digital format suitable for download and processing, and for which commercial and/or non-commercial use can create additional value. Data-opening initiative is a support for the process of publishing and reusing open data and includes aspects such as the development of digital skills, coordination of activities with all data subjects at the national level, and the financing of innovations in that field. The information in the possession of the authorities and their opening is of great importance for the transparency of the work of the public administration and has great economic potential. The Government tasked the Ministry of Public Administration to monitor and coordinate the realisation of the activities from the data-opening initiative and forming a working team for open data that would consist of members from state institutions, academic community, IT community and the civil sector.
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