- Government of Montenegro
Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Drljević: Montenegro d...
Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Drljević: Montenegro devoted to fulfilling the finishing scales for more chapters
Montenegro is committed to fulfilling the final benchmarks in chapters related to innovation, human
resources, information society and social policy. "We are determined to maintain a good dynamics of implementing reforms and reach the standards of the most developed countries in Europe," Chief Negotiator Aleksandar Drljević highlited.
Today, the Chief Negotiator Drljević has opened the eighth meeting of the Subcommittee on Innovation, Human Resources, Information Society and Social Policy, during which representatives of the Montenegrin negotiating structure and the European Commission reviewed the results achieved by Montenegro in the negotiation process in the areas covered by the Subcommittee.
The meeting reviewed current activities as well as the upcoming key obligations and plans in chapters 2 - Freedom of movement for workers, 10 - Information society and media, 19 - Social policy and employment, 25 - Science and research and 26 - Education and culture.
The Chief Negotiator Drljević recalled Montenegro's efforts towards achieving the standards necessary for EU membership, stating that the success of the reform is testament to the 31 open chapter, three of which are closed. "When we talk about the final criteria for the chapters covered by this Sub-Committee, I would like to point out that Montenegro is devoted to fulfilling it," Drljević stressed.
The Chief Negotiator emphasised that Montenegro is aware that the establishment of a stable scientific and educational system is the basis of a modern society and a driver of improvement of living standards. Drljević added that the fields of science, research, education and culture are a particularly important elements of the development of each state.
Deputy Head of the Unit for Montenegro in the Directorate-General for Enlargement, Barbara Jésus-Gimeno underlined that the process of negotiations is not just the opening and closing of the chapter, but the hard work and dedication of both sides. Ms Gimeno recalled the speech of the European Commission President on the state of the Union, during which he pointed out the EU's commitment to the Western Balkans and Montenegro.