- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 90th Cabinet session
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Press release from 90th Cabinet session
Published on: Sep 21, 2018 • 1:37 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (20 September 2018) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Government passed the Draft Law on Pubic Administration. The defined legal solutions will improve the organisational structure in terms of the types of bodies and organisations, the criteria of establishment, status, degree and content of independence. Also, the draft law prescribes clear lines of accountability in the public administration system, improves the management system and the system of strategic planning of public administration bodies and holders of public authorisations. In addition to this, clear and detailed criteria for the establishment of administrative bodies are laid down, on the basis of which a new structure and organisation of the public administration will be established, which will enable the efficiency of administrative activity, a high level of quality of work and provision of services.
The Cabinet also passed the Strategic Review of the Defence of Montenegro, the implementation of which will provide mobile, sustainable and adequately equipped units capable of, independently and in cooperation with allies, of defending the independence, sovereignty and state territory of Montenegro; contribute to the defence of the allies; participate in international peacekeeping missions and peace support operations, and support civilian institutions in countering various types of challenges, risks and threats of a non-war nature.
Today's session adopted the Information on the Accession of the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro to the Letter of Intent between the Ministry of Defence of Albania, Federal Ministry of Defence and Sport of Austria, Ministry of Defence of Croatia, Ministry of Defence of Hungary, Ministry of Defence of Italy and the Ministry of Defence of Slovenia on the establishment of a framework group in the context of the NATO Framework Nations Concept. Furthermore, the Letter of Intent was approved at today's session and Ivica Ivanović, Director General for Defence Policy in the Ministry of Defence, was authorised to sign the Note of Accession.
At the Summit in Wales in 2014, the North Atlantic Alliance launched an initiative to group countries around the Framework Nation Concept (FNC) in order to pool capacities and aptitude sharing to respond more effectively to security threats and challenges. Within this initiative, three groups of countries were formed, led by Germany, Great Britain and Italy. Given that Montenegro, as a full member of NATO, is obliged to provide a contribution to the structure of the NATO forces, that is, to define, training and equipment for rapid action within NATO forces for response, which is possible only in joint action with allied nations, the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro recognised the Italian group and the NATO Corps in Italy (NRDC-ITA) as an appropriate framework for achieving this goal.
In order to ensure efficient and adequate implementation of the Law on Foreign Trade in Arms and Military Equipment and harmonisation with European legislation, the Government adopted the Decision on the Establishment of a National Checklist of Arms and Military Equipment. The list includes 22 categories of weapons, military equipment and related technology and is a description of the goods in accordance with which licenses will be issued for the export and import of the same.
The Government adopted the Information on the payment of a fixed additional annual lease in accordance with the Lease and Construction Agreement relating to Luštica the Development. The Government agreed that this company will issue 4,000,000 shares to the Government of Montenegro amounting to 1,00 Euro per share, in the name of paying an additional annual rent for the period from 2015 to 2018, pursuant to the Lease and Construction Agreement.
Montenegrin Cabinet adopted the Information on the realisation and method of financing of the construction of a joint border crossing (ZGP) Ckla - Zogaj. The agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Council of Ministers of Albania on the opening of the joint border crossing point Ckla (Montenegro) - Zogaj (Albania) for international road and lake passenger traffic was signed in Shkoder on 3 July 2018 at a joint session of the Government of Montenegro and Council of Ministers of Albania. On that occasion, the competent authorities and institutions were tasked to develop the conceptual solution of the future Joint Border Crossing Point on Ckla, to plan funds for the preparation of project documentation and the construction of the facility, as well as the funds for developing project documentation and building a local road 3.5 meters wide) from Ckla to the border with Albania. The works are planned to will be completed by the end of 2020.
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