- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković addresses UN General Assembly: Vision ...
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PM Marković addresses UN General Assembly: Vision of today's Montenegro is focused on stability, prosperity of its citizens
Published on: Sep 29, 2018 • 1:52 AM Author: PR Service

New York, the USA (28 September 2018) -- Prime Minister Duško Marković noted earlier today at the United Nations that Montenegro has progressed rapidly on the path of state-building based on the lofty democratic values over the past 12 years, since the restoration of independence, that it clearly and unequivocally confirmed its commitment to joint action within the UN system and that the country urges that problems in the world should be resolved through joint action within the United Nations and with the full implementation of the adopted multilateral agreements and the strengthening of the World Organisation's role.
"It is my pleasure to address you on behalf of Montenegro, one of the youngest members of the United Nations, which has clearly and unequivocally confirmed commitment to joint action within the UN system in the past 12 years since the renewal of its statehood. I also want to thank the President of the previous 72nd Session of the General Assembly, Mr. Miroslav Lajčák, for his outstanding leadership and contribution to strengthening the role of the General Assembly and stepping up the dialogue with the Member States. Dear Miroslav, I congratulate you on another job well done, with gratitude for the lasting friendship you cherish with Montenegro," said Prime Minister Duško Marković addressing the 73rd plenary session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Montenegro strongly supports UN reform
The Prime Minister welcomed the choice of the topics of this year's Session, stressing that in these challenging times joint action and shared responsibility for peaceful, just and sustainable societies, are the only the correct way that will lead us to this goal: that the United Nations are relevant to all people on the planet.
"Given the complex situations and challenges that the world is facing, the grave divisions on numerous grounds, the catastrophic consequences of the spread of terrorism and violent extremism, as well as climate change, there is no dilemma that only by joint action can we contribute to resolving conflicts and preventing further suffering of innocent people. Historic multilateral agreements that we have agreed in the previous period show what we can do with joint action. These agreements, primarily – the 2030 Development Agenda, but also the Climate Agreement, make a vision of our common future and confirm that multilateralism is not an option, but the only effective means. For the full implementation of the adopted Agreements, the reform of the UN and the strengthening of the central role of the World Organization in multilateralism is necessary more than ever. Therefore, this 73rd Session is of paramount importance for the return of confidence in the United Nations i.e. that, regardless of sometimes justified criticism, they are capable of achieving the NOBLE objectives for which they were founded. We cannot say that these lofty goals have been achieved in today's world. Let's not hide this fact, let's look it in the eyes and take on our share of responsibility for today's, but also tomorrow's world," the Prime Minister pointed out.
Prime Minister Duško Marković said that Montenegro strongly supports the process of reform of the United Nations and is convinced that the issue of fragmentation of the World Organisation can be resolved through stronger binding together all three pillars of action and greater transparency, efficiency and accountability.
"I believe that the implementation of the complex reform agenda and the strong leadership of Secretary-General Guterreswill result in a more efficient Organization, which will contribute to reducing the suffering throughout the world and ensuring common peace, security and prosperity," he underscored.
Speaking about Montenegro's positions on some of the world's leading topics, the Prime Minister said that Montenegro is strongly committed to the policy and implementation of sustainable development goals, to supporting global efforts to disarm and non-proliferate weapons of mass destruction and strengthen prevention in conflicts like in the case of Syria, Yemen, Libya, Myanmar and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

"Conflicts in Syria, Yemen, Libya and other countries, as well as the longstanding Palestinian-Israeli conflict, require an immediate end to violence, respect for international law by all parties to the conflict, and urgent finding of peace solutions through diplomatic means.In order to eradicate terrorism and violent extremism, we must step up efforts to strengthen the implementation of the preventive pillar of the UN Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The focus of our activities must be on the integration of vulnerable and marginalized groups, and the care for young people as the main actors of a better future."
We cannot remain silent about cruel human rights violations
The Prime Minister of Montenegro spoke about the special importance of human rights violations and humanitarian challenges in today's world, stressing that every human rights violation poses a threat to democracy and the rule of law, and that it is a step towards a possible conflict, adding that we are witnessing numerous examples of cruel human rights violations around the world, and that it is unacceptable to be silent about this fact. Speaking about humanitarian challenges, Prime Minister Marković underlined the importance of defining key multilateral agreements under the auspices of the United Nations.
"In the field of protection and promotion of human rights at the national level, significant progress has been made in the protection of women and girls, children, LGBTI population, and the integration of marginalized groups. We aim to strengthen and expand the national human rights dialogue, which should contribute to a better application of international standards. Montenegro's commitment to the issue of gender equality and the fight against violence against women is reaffirmed by our chairmanship of the Executive Board of the UN Women. We strongly advocate for the greater role of women as leaders and important decision-makers, stakeholders in conflict prevention, resolution and reconciliation... Bearing in mind its experience in the admission of a large number of refugees during the Balkan conflicts in the 1990s, Montenegro has contributed to defining the Global Compact on Refugees. We believe that the Global Compact on Refugees will contribute to the joint action of the international community in terms of the mass movement of refugees and providing support to the countries of admission."
Membership in NATO has given us strong incentive
Speaking about Montenegro and the region, the Prime Minister underlined the rapid progress Montenegro has experienced over the past twelve years, since the restoration of independence, on the path of state-building based on lofty democratic values.
"Our results are not just a product of political pragmatism, but a vision of today's Montenegro geared towards the stability and prosperity of its citizens. Montenegro has been a new member of NATO since last year. Aware of the necessity of a safe and secure environment, we are committed to the issues of global security, preservation and enhancement of common values, both within NATO and in UN peacekeeping missions. Membership in NATO has given us a strong incentive to further strengthen the rule of law based on the highest democratic values. But at the same time we are vigorously implementing the economic reforms that resulted in a high economic growth rate of 4,5% in the course of the last year and in the first half of this year. These measures are based on sustainable development that will secure a higher level of living standard in the longer term," Prime Minister Marković underlined.
The Prime Minister pointed out that Montenegro is playing a leading role in the Western Balkans in the EU accession process.

"We have, among other things, earned this position with our multinational and multireligious harmony, which is our historical feature and value. We are committed to strengthening institutions and their sustainability with a determined fight against organized crime and corruption," Prime Minister Marković said.
Western Balkans is now better place to live than 20 or 30 years ago, European perspective is only choice
Regarding the situation in the Western Balkan region, the Prime Minister said that the region is now a better place to live than 20 or 30 years ago thanks to the efforts of the international community and the governments of the countries of the region.
"We in Montenegro believe that there is no better future for our countries and citizens than that in the European Union. But we are confident that it also comes as a natural choice for Europe. European values are the only and best answer to growing nationalism and populism in our view. However, in order to achieve this goal, actions must be taken more decisively with a clear vision of a whole, stable and stronger Europe in every corner of it," the Prime Minister stressed.
The Prime Minister of Montenegro said that Montenegro will remain committed to promoting regional stability and cooperation and developing good neighbourly relations, and that it welcomes the signing of the historic agreement between Macedonia and Greece, and the negotiations between Belgrade and Pristina.
PM Marković concluded by highlighting that Montenegro will continue to be responsible partner to the United Nations.
"Through membership in the bodies and agencies of the UN, it will be contributing to the UN's tackling of global challenges. In addition to the membership and Montenegro’s chairing of the Executive Board of the UN Women, the candidacies have been presented for the upcoming period for membership in the Economic and Social Council 2020-2022, the Human Rights Council 2022-2024 and the UN Security Council 2026-2027 . We believe that we will gain the support and confidence of United Nations member states in the aforementioned bodies, which will be an opportunity to contribute to a stronger and more effective UN action. The key interests of our countries are shared - more peace, security and prosperity for our citizens. In this respect, the United Nations must continue to play a strong role," Prime Minister Duško Marković said at the 73rd session of the United Nations General Assembly.
Full Prime Minister's speech can be downloaded here.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/yK6u5xh4qPA
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