- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 95th Cabinet session
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Press release from 95th Cabinet session
Published on: Oct 26, 2018 • 1:33 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (25 October 2018) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Execution of Prison Sentences, Fines and Security Measures in order to harmonise it with the amendments to the Criminal Code and the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees, and eliminate certain ambiguities observed in the previous application. The draft law is also harmonised with the new Law on State Administration, according to which the Institute for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, as an independent administrative body, becomes the Administration for Execution of Criminal Sanctions.
In order to implement the Food Safety Law and harmonise it with the acquis communautaire, the Government passed the Regulation on the Treatment of Food by Ionising Radiation. It is stipulated that only food treated with ionising radiation originating from facilities classified by the European Commission as facilities for treating food with ionising radiation can be imported and placed on the market in Montenegro.
Today's session approved the Decision Amending the Decision on the Establishment of the Working Group for the Preparation and Conducting Negotiations on the Accession of Montenegro to the European Union in the field of the acquis communautaire relating to Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights. The discussion emphasised that, given the increasingly demanding phase of the negotiation process, the capacity of the working group was strengthened by representatives of the civil sector and the Judicial Council, and that at the request of the Supreme Court, a representative of this body was replaced.
At the proposal of the Privatisation and Capital Projects Council, the Government passed the Report on the outcome of negotiations on the international public tender for long-term lease of the Military Resort "Mediteran" in Žabljak.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the conclusion of the Guarantee Agreement between the German Development Bank (KfW) and Montenegro - the Ministry of Finance for the loan agreement between the Montenegrin Electricity Transmission System (CGES) and the German Development Bank (KfW) for the implementation of the project "Montenegrin Littoral: Development of the Luštica Area." The draft loan agreement reads that a EUR 20 million-loan is used for investing in the energy efficiency of facilities and infrastructure in the transmission system. The issuance of a state guarantee for the implementation of this project is foreseen by the Budget Law for 2018.
The Government approved the Information on the Draft Memorandum of Understanding between the Institution for Execution of Criminal Sanctions, the German NGO "Help-Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe" and the NGO "Juventas." Within the project "Support for socio-economic stability in the region of the Western Balkans," being implemented by these two NGOs, EUR 83,300 have been allocated for financing the expansion of working activities for prisoners within the prison system, which include modernisation and procurement of necessary equipment for opening and reconstruction of old workshops, as well as expanding production in the Institute.
The Government approved the Information on the missing funds for the completion of works on the construction of the Zatrijebačka Cijevna-Grabon joint border crossing point. In order to ensure the optimum functioning of the border crossing point and obtain all permits, the Government tasked the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs - Directorate for Transport to make payments to the contractor for the performed works from the Capital Budget for 2018 amounting to EUR 150,000.
The Government adopted the Regulation Amending the Regulation on the integration of public procurement of goods and services. In accordance with the provisions introduced, the regulation is harmonised with the Law on Budget and Fiscal Responsibility by more precisely defining the procedure for securing funds and payments for the implementation of consolidated public procurements.
Today's session adopted the Information on Montenegro's accession to UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects. The UNIDROIT Convention applies to requirements relating to the international restitution of stolen cultural objects and the return of cultural property taken from the territory of a contracting state contrary to its legislation. The convention defines the deadlines in which it is possible to apply for restitution of stolen cultural property, the right to compensation for the possessor of a cultural property when they did not know that it had been stolen, as well as the procedures for the return of unlawfully presented cultural objects.The UNIDROIT Convention is important in terms of aligning national legislation with the acquis in this area.
The Government adopted the Information on the reconstruction of Đurđevića Tara Bridge, with the proposal of the exchange letter between the Government of Montenegro and the Government of China, accepted the text of the letter and tasked Milutin Simović, Deputy Prime Minister for Economic Policy and Financial System, to sign the letter on behalf of the Government of Montenegro. Considering that this is a very demanding and complex project, the comprehensive static and traffic reconstruction of the bridge and its accompanying infrastructure, as well as the protection of its exceptional cultural and historical value, the Government concluded that both the Montenegrin and Chinese sides undertook all necessary activities for its successful realisation. The Chinese side, among other things, has developed the bridge reconstruction and reinforcement project, provided necessary machinery, equipment and materials, and the costs will be covered from grants under two agreements on economic and technological cooperation signed between the two governments. The additional funds needed for the project will be covered through the agreement on a new grant China will provide to Montenegro for 2018.
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