- Government of Montenegro
Nuhodžić: Montenegro will continue to be proactive...
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Nuhodžić: Montenegro will continue to be proactive in order to strengthen border security
Published on: Nov 8, 2018 • 12:01 AM Author: PR Service
Successful implementation of joint activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF) is a good basis for continuing cooperation in the direction of further strengthening regional and international cooperation in the field of border security, it was noted at today's meeting of Minister Mevludin Nuhodžić with Director DCAF Ljubljana and Head of the Border Security Programme Anton Travner.
Minister Nuhodžić expressed his gratitude for the continued assistance provided by DCAF to our country, especially in the area of cross-border police cooperation, exchange of experience and implementation of training, and expressed satisfaction with previous joint actions under the DCAF Border Security Programme.
The meeting was an opportunity to share views on the recently implemented joint police operation "Tuzi 2018", which was conducted with the support of representatives of European agencies Europol, Frontex and IOM, which confirmed that Montenegro is working proactively in the prevention of illegal migration and cross-border crime. Both sides agreed that the operation was extremely successful, both in terms of detecting migratory routes and information exchange between the police and the implementation of the readmission procedure with the Republic of Albania.
While expressing full support for Montenegro in the area of border security, Director DCAF Ljubljana Anton Travner praised Montenegro's progress so far and expressed the expectation that good dynamics will continue, with a special focus on further improving technical capacities at the border, strengthening human resources and strengthening the mutual cooperation of police officers in the field of combating cross-border crime and illegal migration.
The meeting also discussed activities planned for the next period within the DCAF Border Security Programme, and the readiness of Montenegro to continue its participation in operations and projects in order to achieve modern standards in this area.
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