- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 97th Cabinet meeting
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Press release from 97th Cabinet meeting
Published on: Nov 9, 2018 • 1:38 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (8 November 2018) -- At today’s session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Report on Implementation of the State Waste Management Plan for 2017. The report, which contains an overview of the legislative and other activities undertaken, reads that the data provided indicate that in Montenegro in 2017, 254.523 tons of municipal waste with swamp and so called "green" waste was collected, which amounts to ≈ 98% of the estimated quantity of municipal waste produced. It also states that the local government units did not organise the management of non-hazardous construction waste in accordance with the Law, and that local government units should continue to undertake activities on the list of unregulated landfills, which should contain data on locations with coordinates, estimated quantities of waste at those locations, photos and recovery plan.
The Government tasked local government units to keep accurate records of waste in the prescribed manner, which is their legal obligation, and to continue activities on the list of unregulated landfills, as well as to organise the management of non-hazardous construction waste in accordance with the Law. The Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism was tasked to continue strengthening environmental awareness in micro environments, in cooperation with local government units, on ecological and economic benefits of proper waste management.
To that end, the session pointed out the need to undertake additional activities to raise citizens' awareness about waste disposal. The Prime Minister announced that he will speak with the presidents of municipalities personally about this topic and will pledge to strengthen the pressure on local utility services in order to be more efficient.
The Government adopted the Annex to the report of the European Commission on Montenegro for the period from 1 January 2018 to 20 October 2018, which contains an overview of the realised activities and statistical data for all negotiating chapters by the departments.
The Cabinet also adopted the Information on the signing of Amendment No. 6 to the Memorandum of Understanding No. IV between the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Belgium and the Ministry of Defence of Canada and the Ministry of Defence of Denmark and the Ministry of Defence of France and the Federal Ministry of Defence of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Greece and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Italy and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Italy and the Ministry of Defence of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Norway and the Ministry of Defence of the Republic of Portugal and the Ministry of Defence of the Kingdom of Spain and the Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Turkey and the State Secretary for Defence of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States Department of Defence in connection with the NAVSTAR Global Positioning System (GPS) and accepted the proposed Amendment. NAVSTAR is a Global Positioning System (GPS), developed by the United States Department of Defence, and provides two levels of accuracy through Precise Positioning Service (PPS) and Standard Positioning System(SPS). PPS system provides the highest degree of accuracy and protection against interference. Access to the system is controled by selective accessibility and techniques to prevent unauthorised access. In order to support the common interests of the national defence of partner countries, national defence authorities of Memorandum countries become users of this system. The Memorandum also provides authorisation and approval for members to purchase and use GPS-PPS user equipment. In accordance with the practice so far, that every new NATO member had signed the Amendments to the Memorandum, Amendment 6 was prepared for Montenegro, and should be signed by all NATO members.
Within the framework of the cross-border cooperation programme, the Government adopted Information on the Financing Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and the Republic of Albania within the 2014-2020 financial perspective, for allocation 2017; Financing Agreement between the European Commission, Montenegro and the Republic of Kosovo within the 2014-2020 financial perspective, for allocation 2017, and the Financing Agreement between the European Commission, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro within the 2014-2020 financial perspective, for the allocation 2017. Signing these agreements will enable will the realisation of activities whose overall goal is to improve the socio-economic situation in the border areas by strengthening cooperation and joint initiatives in priority sectors: employment, labour mobility and social and cultural inclusion on both sides of the border, environmental protection, as well as promotion of tourism , cultural and natural heritage of common interest for the citizens of Montenegro and neighbouring countries.
Today’s Cabinet session passed the Information on Visa Policy. The discussion emphasised that Montenegro, having in mind the need to harmonise its visa policy with the EU regulations, the implementation of the Schengen Action Plan and fulfillment of the temporary measures in Chapter 24, responsibly fulfills the obligations arising from the visa liberalisation. The Regulation on the visa regime and the conclusion of a series of bilateral agreements between Montenegro and other countries enabled the Montenegrin citizens with ordinary passports to travel without visa to 100 countries of the world (including countries where the visa can be obtained at the border crossing), while holders of diplomatic and official passports can travel visa-free to 109 countries of the world. Citizens from 104 countries, holders of ordinary passports, can enter Montenegro without visa, while holders of diplomatic and official passports from 111 countries can travel to Montenegro without a visa.
In order to simplify the process of receiving visa applications from countries in which Montenegro does not have its diplomatic mission or consular posts and whose citizens showed interest in coming to Montenegro, a "online" portal has been created, envisaging the possibility of applying for the Montenegrin visa. The "online" portal, with a secure communication link, is connected to the Visa Information System - VIS, which ensures the implementation of statutory procedures for issuing visas. So far, the VIS has been installed in 24 representative offices, and it is going to be installed in the remaining representative offices in the time to come.
Furthermore, the Government established the basics for conducting negotiations and concluding an agreement between: the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay on the abolition of visas for holders of ordinary passports; the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Republic of Paraguay on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic, official or business passports; the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the Eastern Republic of Uruguay on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic and official passports, and the Government of Montenegro and the Government of the People's Republic of China on the abolition of visas for holders of diplomatic, official and business passports and accepted the proposed agreements.
In addition, the Government established the basics for conducting negotiations and signing a cooperation agreement between: the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of the Republic of Italy, and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Montenegro and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey on visa issues and consular protection in to a greater number of countries in which Montenegro does not have a consular post, and accepted the proposed agreements. The Minister of Foreign Affairs, explaining the proposals, pointed out that the goal of all agreements was to extend the consular protection of our citizens.
The Cabinet adopted the State Study of the location "Part of Sector 66 - existing hotel group and module I" – Velika plaža/Great Beach. This planning document covers the area of over 200 ha in the far western part of the Great Beach. The spatial concept creates an opportunity for the construction of over 7,000 new high-class hotel beds, arranged in large beach resort hotels, which require the fulfillment of the strictest ecological standards, but also in smaller tourist settlements positioned along the route of Ulcinj - Ada Bojana. By adopting this plan, the possibility is created for the continuation of investments in tourism, sports and recreational, service facilities and infrastructure in the municipality of Ulcinj, with an emphasis on sustainable tourism, which give priority to tourists’ staying in a natural environment. This is evidenced by the high criteria set by the planners ahead of future hotel operators, which, among other things, envisage over 160 m2 of greened areas per hotel bed.
The Government got acquainted with the Report on the conducted procedure on the basis of the Public invitation for lease of the state-owned land at the location of Briska Gora - Municipality of Ulcinj for the construction of a solar power plant. After the conducted procedure, the Tender Commission reached a decision on determining the list of bidders, by which the offer of the Consortium Fortum and EPCG was selected as first ranked. The Ministry of Economy was tasked to set up a negotiating team with the first-ranked bidder on signing a draft lease agreement for the construction of a solar power plant.
Today’s session passed the Information on Reserved Domain Lists with internationalised Domain Names. When presenting the Information, it was stated that in order to successful place the domains on the market, the DoMEn doo Registrar Company plans to expand its portfolio of offers to internationalised domain names, that is, domains that can contain characters outside of the English alphabet in front of the ".me" extension. This primarily implies the Montenegrin Cyrillic and Latin, as well as Arabic, Chinese and other letters supported by the registrar. This way, as it was pointed out, opens up significant space for the acquisition of the same domains in several languages and letters, especially by multinational companies operating globally.
The Government was informed about with the GREVIO Committee's Report on the Evaluation of Legislative and Other Measures to Implement the Provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Suppression of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention). A group of experts to combat violence against women and domestic violence (GREVIO) is an independent human rights monitoring body tasked with monitoring the implementation of the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Suppression of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence. The report is the result of the first (basic) evaluation procedure conducted in relation to Montenegro. It covers the Convention as a whole, and therefore assesses the level of compliance of the Montenegrin legislation and practice in all areas. Based on this evaluation, measures are proposed to strengthen the application of the Convention and areas where improvements are needed in order to fully comply with the obligations of the Convention. The report contains 44 recommendations at the national level. The conclusions that have been adopted should enable full application of the Istanbul Convention.
Today’s Cabinet meeting approved the Report on realised activities on preparation of participation of Montenegro at the Dubai Expo 2020. Expo is a global discussion forum aimed at finding solutions to the universal challenges of our time. The theme of this universal exhibition, which will be held from 20 October 2020 to 10 April 2021, is "Connecting Minds, Creating Future" and encompassing three sub-themes: Opportunity, Mobility and Sustainability. Montenegro will be performing within the subtopic "Sustainability," In the framework of the activities for preparation of the participation, the Cabinet appointed the General Commissioner of the exhibition and decided to establish the Organising Committee for Participation of Montenegro at the World Expo 2020 in Dubai.
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