- Government of Montenegro
Supporting Montenegro is supporting competitive Eu...
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Supporting Montenegro is supporting competitive Europe
Published on: Nov 21, 2018 • 8:11 PM Author: PR Service
Supporting Montenegro to move faster to the EU accession is investing in a safer and prosperous region of the Western Balkans and a more competitive Europe, said Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin at a meeting with European commissioners for enlargement and justice, Johannes Hahn and Vera Jourova, on the eve of the Conference on the Position of the Jews in Europe, hosted by Federal Chancellor of Austria Sebastian Kurz.
DPM Pažin stressed that the achieved results in the field of rule of law and reforms in numerous sectorial policies point to Montenegro's internal readiness to move faster in the negotiation process.
He emphasised that Montenegro's progress towards EU membership embeds a stronger guarantee of equal rights and opportunities in the Montenegrin legal system for our citizens, sending a clear message to others in the region that European integrations are a way of security and prosperity.
During the conference, the Austrian Chancellor Kurz presented the Declaration of Principles that Austria will propose to the European Council at its meeting on 6 December, with the aim of improving the EU policy on the position of the Jewish community at the level of the European Union.
At the meeting with Deputy Prime Minister Pažin, Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz praised the progress of Montenegro on the road to EU membership, and highlighted in particular the constructive role that Montenegro plays in preserving and promoting the region of the Western Balkans.
During the conference, DPM Pažin used meetings with representatives of European Jewish Associations to point to the principles of multiculturalism, multi-ethnicity and multiconfessionalism, that are at the very foundations of the Montenegrin society and at the same time represent a pledge for the prosperous future of Montenegro.
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