- Government of Montenegro
DPM Pažin on Resolution on "Podgorica Assembly": I...
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DPM Pažin on Resolution on "Podgorica Assembly": It is time for Montenegro to proudly recognise identity that whole world recognises
Published on: Nov 29, 2018 • 10:29 PM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (29 November 2018) -- The resolution that is the subject of today's debate is directed against the current attempts to diminish the Montenegrin state identity by misusing a tragic event in the Montenegrin history, Deputy Prime Minister Zoran Pažin stressed at a session of the Parliament of Montenegro on the occasion of considering the Resolution on the "Podgorica Assembly."
"Therefore, the true meaning of this resolution should not be sought in the domain of formal law, but in the domain of moral responsibility and obligation to protect the civil and state identity of Montenegro," said DPM Pažin.
He noted that this is a symbolic act, which, at a time like this, has its full justification and represents a reflection of the maturity of the society in defining the matter that should not be left as a burden to future generations.
"The time has come for us to establish the Montenegrin state identity in Montenegro once and for all, whether someone likes it or not. Today the citizens of Montenegro are called Montenegrins by the whole world, as the German citizens are called Germans and the French citizens are called French. It is time for us in Montenegro to proudly accept the identity by which the world recognises us," the Deputy Prime Minister pointed out.
He explained that in no way does this mean a renunciation of the cultural richness, ethnic and religious diversity of the Montenegrin society. "On the contrary, this richness is a defining element of the state identity of Montenegro. Therefore, it is indisputable that the State is obliged to support the affirmation of the special identity and values of various cultural, ethnic and religious communities as Montenegro’s treasure, but only if it does not destroy the values of other communities and the common Montenegrin state identity," DPM Pažin said.
He emphasised that it is everyone's right to nurture and publicly express the identity of their community in Montenegro. "But no one has the right to, for example, because of his Montenegrin, Serb, Bosniak, Croat or other ethnic identity, expects more rights than anyone else in the Montenegrin society. Montenegro, which we won on 21 May 2006, fortunately, is not such a state".
He said that today's generation of the Montenegrin citizens have the duty to make a decisive emancipatory step forward, as a prerequisite of social unity, which is absolutely necessary for Montenegro today, not in order to deal with historical injustices, but for the sake of progress and a better future of the generations to come. He stated that the Resolution on the “Podgorica Assembly,” proposed by the ruling coalition, is a step forward in that direction.
DPM Pažin said that today's Resolution is determining the current attempts to destroy the Montenegrin state and its civic structure by representing a political doctrine that finds its foundation in the illegal decisions of the “Podgorica Assembly.”
"This retrograde policy advocates for a doctrine that wants to impose the identity of an ethnic and religious community as the only real identity of the whole of Montenegro, not even as a State, but as a geographical area that draws all its values precisely from the identity of this supposedly superior ethnic and religious community," DPM Pažin noted.

It is clear that masterminds behind such policies today do not want well either to Montenegro or Serbia. "It is clear that this political attitude, which is exposed in the recent public manifestations celebrating the legacy of the “Podgorica Assembly”, is denying the civic being of our State as the greatest value of modern Montenegrin society."
The Deputy Prime Minister stressed that the denial of the Montenegrin civic, and therefore state identity, undermines all historical achievements of Montenegro and all current and future efforts of the Montenegrins in building a just, secure and prosperous society.
"On the other hand, the established state identity reflects the civilisation maturity of a society and the characteristic of all stable and developed democracies, while insisting on opposing religious or ethnic identities is the most common feature of retrograde policies and conflict societies. Therefore, it is clear that establishing a strong state identity, in which diversity is treasure and not a source of intolerance and tension, is a main road to the progress of the Montenegrin society," DPM Pažin underscored.
Deputy Prime Minister Pažin called on the MPs to contribute to the full affirmation of the Montenegrin civil society and the full establishment of Montenegro's national identity. "Only a strong state identity can unite all diversities of the Montenegrin society and generate the communion and energy that we need today in our efforts to leave a safer and more prosperous Montenegro to future generations – Montenegro that does not worry about its place in the world and has no doubts about its state identity. Therefore, the Government supports this Resolution as a significant symbolic contribution to achieving this goal," the Deputy Prime Minister emphasised.
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