- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 100th Cabinet session
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Press release from 100th Cabinet session
Published on: Nov 30, 2018 • 12:36 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (29 November 2018) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet supported the adoption of the Resolution on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the "Podgorica Assembly," which was submitted to the Parliament by a group of MPs as an appropriate act expressing political attitude towards this event from Montenegro's past, at the same time sending messages to the citizens and authorities about the necessity of protecting and preserving Montenegro as an independent state and further strengthening of the civil and democratic character of the Montenegrin society.
In order to comply with the new Law on State Administration, the Government passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on International and Temporary Protection of Foreigners. The proposed provisions define that the procedure on the application for international protection, as well as the acceptance and accommodation of a foreigner seeking international protection and accommodation of asylum seekers, foreigners with approved subsidiary protection and foreigners with approved temporary protection are carried out by the state administration body in charge of interior affairs, thus created formal conditions for the unification of competencies for all persons from the system of international protection.
The Government discussed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Foreigners submitted by MPs Jovanka Laličić, Petar Ivanović, Ana Nikolić, Nikola Divanović, Danijel Živković and Andrija Nikolić to the Parliament of Montenegro and concluded to submit to the Parliament of Montenegro an opinion in the text drafted by the Ministry Foreign Affairs, which had been agreed with the Ministry of the Interior.
Todays meeting passed the Information on the Accession of the Ministry of Defence of Montenegro to the Framework Memorandum of Understanding between the Federal Ministry of Defence of Germany and the Armed Forces of Sweden in connection with the cooperation in the Resolute Support mission in Afghanistan for providing support to the Train Advise Assist Command - North. Due to the change in the character and tasks of the Resolute Support mission, there was a need to change the legal framework for engaging coalition forces in the Train Advise Assist Command - North, where members of the Armed forces of Montenegro are also engaged. Accordingly, the Framework Memorandum regulates issues related to the contribution, command and control, the rules of engagement, financial aspects, logistical support, communications, provision of health services and other issues of relevance for participation in this mission.
Within regular communication and exchange of opinions with the Parliament of Montenegro, the Cabinet passed the Nineteenth Quarterly Report on the overall activities in the process of integration of Montenegro into the European Union for the period July - September 2018.
The Government passed the Information concerning the awarding of the concession for the commercial use of the shipyard port in the area of KO Bijela, adopted the Decision on granting a concession and accepted the Concession Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the Consortium Adriatic Marinas doo and B.V. Holding Maatschappij Damen. The total planned amount for the investment in the first three years amounts to EUR 20 million, with the concessionaire is obliged to ensure the adaptation, reconstruction, construction and equipping of the shipyard for the operations of a modern international port, with an emphasis on the construction and repair of yachts and mega-yachts, holiday boats and recreation and sports boats for a period of 30 years. The discussion emphasised that the common strategic goal underlying this project is to create a new sustainable and profitable activity with a potential for the future, within a clean and sustainable industry. The new activity is aimed at transforming the country into a destination for nautical tourism that will be active throughout the year.
The Government passed the Information on the implementation of the wind power project at the Krnovo site and accepted Annex no. 7 on land-lease agreement and construction of a wind farm. The Annex states that the State of Montenegro agrees that "Masdar Energy" B.V. from the Netherlands acquires 49% of the stake in the Project Company. Following the exit of the "Ivica Holding" GmbH from the Contract, the provisions of this Annex prescribe for that "Akuo Energy" SAS shall assume any responsibility of Ivica Holding, which was actually incurred but not settled, and that which may arise before the entry into force of Annex no. 7 of the Contract. It was pointed out that "Masdar Energy" B.V. from the Netherlands, starting from the date on which Annex no. 7, becomes a contracting party in the Land Lease Agreement, and all its annexes. Namely, "Akuo Energy" SAS and "Masdar Energy" B.V. based on this Annex, will be the Contracting Parties to the Land Lease Agreement as an investor, whereby they will be jointly and severally liable for the obligations of the Project Company from, or in connection with the Land Lease Agreement.
The Cabinet passed the Information on the implementation of the Concession Agreement according to the combined DBOT arrangement for exploring the Bistrica watercourse and the techno-economic use of water power potential for the production of electricity in small hydropower plants, as well as Annex no. 4 Concession Agreement. The Annex, which is harmonised between the Ministry of Economy and investors, reads that 31 December 2019 is the deadline for the completion of the construction phase, while the Concessionaire is obliged to complete the construction of the remaining three hydro power plants on this watercourse. It was noted that due to works on the reconstruction of the Berane-Kolašin road, the limit in the realisation of the construction of the remaining small hydro power plants that obtained the building permit was the result of the circumstances that the Concessionaire could not have influenced, which required the need to correct the deadlines from the Concession Agreement.
The Government adopted the Information on the Proposal of the Financing Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the European Commission on the Annual Action Programme for Montenegro for 2017 - Part 1 and accepted the text of the Financial Agreement amending the provisions of the Framework Agreement and more closely prescribing the Union's financial obligations regarding the implementation of the programme IPA 2017. Also, the Agreement defines the provisions for entrusting budget execution tasks, i.e., for the indirect management of planned actions by the Montenegrin institutions. The total estimated costs of the programme under this Financing Agreement are EUR 16,156,529. This amount includes the total allocated EU funds and national contributions. The total maximum contribution of the Union is 13,511,103 euros, while the Government is obliged to provide, in the form of national co-financing, the rest of 2,645,426 euros during the implementation of the programme.
Today's session established the list of development projects for 2019. On the proposal of line ministries, the List covers projects in the fields of tourism, transport, agriculture, economy, environment, science and the judiciary. In accordance with the provisions of the Law on Foreigners, it is envisaged that the Secretariat for Development Projects, by 30 November 2018, should draft a list of development projects for the next year because the law stipulates that a permit for temporary residence and work beyond the annual quota may be issued to a foreigner who is involved in the implementation of these projects.
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