- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of the Interior Minister Nuhodzic at ceremony of Day of Interior:...
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Minister Nuhodzic at ceremony of Day of Interior: Ministry and Police Directorate will serve and protect highest values of multi-ethnic, democratic and European Montenegro
Published on: Oct 3, 2018 • 12:17 AM Author: MUP

Minister of the Interior Mevludin Nuhodžić said tonight on the occasion of the Day of the Interior that members of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate have put their hearts and souls into the processes that led to free, independent and democratic Montenegro, and that the Ministry and the Police Directorate will serve and protect the highest values of the multi-ethnic, democratic and European Montenegro.
Being aware of the responsibility that we, as members of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate, took over, we see this holiday as a day in which – with our friends and associates – we will summarise the annual results. We will also recall all those zealous workers who contributed to the affirmation of our Ministry. To each one of them we owe gratitude for their commitment to their work and commitment to the state of Montenegro and its values. You have put your hearts and souls into the processes that led to free, independent and democratic Montenegro and its overall security. Therefore, 2 October is the date that obliges us to contribute to the strengthening of civic principles and democracy. On the other hand, this date challenges us to create better conditions for the dignified performance of demanding tasks entrusted to us. Building a mutual trust is both our goal and an obligation. We want to give our Montenegro a lasting legacy of peace and stability. The Government of Montenegro has no important task and more humane duty than this one – Minister Nuhodžić said at the solemn academy organised on the occasion of the Day of the Interior.
Ministry of Interior strengthens the foundations of state
The Minister said that the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate work on a daily basis to achieve strategic state interests, that the ideal is a free individual and by cherishing this value the Ministry and the Police Directorate strengthen the "foundations of democratic and European Montenegro, which is a safe home for all its citizens, a multi-ethnic home, open and safe".
Strengthening institutions is still a challenge for the Government of Montenegro, which we will address efficiently and readily. Just as our respond to any type of disruption of the foundation of society will be concrete, principled and long-term sustainable. The Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate will work in all fields on building a positive image based on the achieved results. We are protectors of the system and guardians of constitutionally guaranteed values whose accessibility must be provided at every moment. Our competence is the best guarantor of the preservation and protection of all our citizens, their rights and their justified ambition to build their living and working environment at the level of European standards – the Minister of the Interior said.
Speaking about personnel, Minister Nuhodžić said that human resources are regularly refreshed and trained, and that it is regularly invested in institutions, both from the state budget and through international programmes.

The recently signed agreement with trade union partners in this sector will help in solving the housing issues under favourable conditions for many of our employees throughout Montenegro. They have earned this with their relation towards work and the state. Such projects will also continue in the future, making everything that the members of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate feel proud with their law enforcement ID cards, equally in the north and the south, in Podgorica or in the Old Royal Capital, on the roads or at borders, in offices or during the most difficult physical tasks – the Minister of the Interior emphasised.
Expressing gratitude to the citizens for understanding the law enforcement activities, the Minister of the Interior told the citizens that the Ministry of the Interior and the Police Directorate will be serve and protect the highest values of the multi-ethnic, democratic and European Montenegro.
Director Veljović to criminals: You will feel our strength and efficiency
"From this place, I will also address those who do not think well to themselves, neither the citizens nor the state and tell them the truth - it is clear, in the world of crime you are opponents of law, the interests of the safety of citizens and the community. You will feel the efficiency and strength of the security system. We will not allow you to plan the gravest crimes and threaten citizens' safety in Montenegro. We will search for you at every point of this planet until you are brought to justice. We will initiate procedures for verifying the acquired property of persons of interest, their families and related persons and together with other bodies, we will initiate procedures for seizure of property in accordance with the legal procedure, knowing money acquired through criminal activity gives you criminal strength and power. These messages are not declarative, but essential, in a clear intention to bring criminals to justice, to confirm that crime is not stronger than the state and cannot have the influence and power of the state, as shown by the results that the police organisation achieved in the past period,"- Director Veljović said.
Leaders of organised crime must not return to Montenegro
Dr. Veselin Veljović also mentioned the progress in resolving life issues of the employees in the security sector, expressing his gratitude to the Prime Minister and the Government for unreserved support in resolving issues of strategic importance for the development and improvement of the capacity of the police organisation.
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