Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Press release from 104th Cabinet session

Published on: Dec 28, 2018 5:52 AM Author: PR Service
PR Service PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (27 December 2018) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Public Order and Peace, submitted to the Parliament of Montenegro by its Deputy Speaker,Genci Nimanbegu, and in that regard, gave its Opinion in the text prepared by the Ministry of the Interior. Amendments proposed by the Government are related to the introduction of the obligation to stand up for national anthem, which, together with the penal provisions concerning state symbols, becomes an integral part of this Law. Furthermore, the Law deals with the publishing of misleading content through billboards, as well as historical untruths.

The Cabinet passed the Draft Law on Life Partnership of Same-Sex Partners that affirms the values protected by international standards in the field of human rights and freedoms and protection against discrimination based on sexual orientation as one of the priority goals of the Government's policy in this field and as a continuation of the Government's current activities in the field of promotion of human rights, reduction of discrimination and inequality of LGBTI people.

The Government passed the Decision on determining the annual number of temporary residence permits and work of foreigners for 2019, which established the quota of 20,454 licenses, out of which 3,552 permits for seasonal employment, and 5000 licenses may be allocated by the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare for individual purposes.

The Government passed the Draft Law on Pharmacy, which for the first time regulates pharmacy activity by law.

Today's session also passed the Draft Law on Medical Devices, which defines: conditions for production and marketing of medical devices, their placing on the market and use, clinical trials, quality control and monitoring of medical devices on the market, assessment of compliance of medical devices with technical requirements, advertising, marking medical devices. This law harmonises the national legislation of Montenegro with the legal acquis of the European Union, which establishes a normative framework for the prevention of non-performing and unsafe medical devices of unsatisfactory performances on the market and in health institutions, creating conditions for placement of products from domestic producers of medical devices for EU countries and other countries, as well as the conditions for the development of the economy in Montenegro as a whole.

The Government passed the Draft Law on Medically Assisted Fertilisation, which fully regulates the treatment of infertility in women and men with assisted reproductive technologies using sex cells and tissues of spouses, as well as gifted cells and embryos, and donation of sex cells.

In order to address the key challenges in the labour market, the Government adopted the Action Plan for Employment and Human Resources Development for 2019. The plan defines the measures and activities that will be implemented within the four key priorities of the National Strategy: improvement of the implementation of the employment policy; creation of optimal conditions for employment growth and improvement of human resources; further development and strengthening of cohesion in the fields of labour market and employment, education and social inclusion and social protection and improvement of Montenegro's EU integration process.

In accordance with the Law on Adult Education, today's Cabinet session approved the Adult Education Plan for the period 2019-2022 in order to increase employment and reduce the unemployment rate; improving knowledge, skills and competencies and promoting social inclusion and poverty reduction.

The Government gave its consent to the Proposal of the Annual Work Plan for 2019 and the Proposal of the financial plan for 2019 of the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro A.D. The discussion states that in 2019 the activities of the Investment and Development Fund were focused on the realisation of the priorities defined by the Government's Programme of Action, which refers to creating new jobs and more dynamic economic growth and development, providing support to specific target groups with emphasis on social entrepreneurship, balanced regional development and improvement of the living standard of citizens. For financial activity in 2019, EUR 180 million is envisaged, of which EUR 120 million is planned to be made through long-term loans, and EUR 60 million through short-term loans.

In order to build a solar power plant, the Government passed the Decision to lease land owned by the state at Briska Gora - Ulcinj Municipality.

The Cabinet approved the Information on granting the primary concession for the commercial use of the commercial port of Kotor. The concession is granted for a period of 12 years. The concessionaire is obliged to realise the Investment in the amount of EUR 5.053.440 in accordance with the Investment and Business Plan. 

The Programme of Incentives for Innovative Startups in Montenegro was adopted at today's Cabinet meeting. The programme aims to establish the conditions for an innovative ecosystem with a focus on startups, which involves the removal of legal barriers, development of advanced financial schemes, promotion and attraction of of talents in order to intensify create knowledge and new values, entrepreneurial culture and access to markets for innovative and entrepreneurial projects.

The cabinet adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the NATO-Montenegro Communication Strategy for July-December 2018 and the Annual Report on Montenegro's Presidency of the US-Adriatic Charter (A5), adopted last week by the NATO Council.

The Government adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the National Security Strategy of Montenegro 2018-2020. The plan identifies activities for the implementation of strategic and operational objectives that represent a combination of security interests and responses to challenges, risks and threats that are defined by the Strategy.

The Cabinet passed the Strategy for informing the public on the accession of Montenegro to the European Union 2019-2022. The new strategy has been adjusted to the current moment in the accession process and modern communication channels, and will contribute to better informing citizens about Montenegro's European integration. The Strategy follows the Action Plan for 2019, which contains 185 activities of all government departments, the Committee for European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro, local self-governments and the civil sector.

The Government adopted the Information on EU Support Programmes for Montenegro for 2018, which provides an overview of the status and activities carried out under each support programme and the Information on status and implementation of projects in the area of ​​transport within the implementation of the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA projects).

In order to strengthen the system of consumer protection at all levels and further improvement in accordance with the standards and good practice of the European Union, the Government adopted the National Consumer Protection Programme 2019-2021. This act define goals and activities that will contribute to improving the regulatory framework, strengthening the independence and representativeness of consumer protection organisations, improving mechanisms to assist consumers in resolving complaints, establishing an appropriate system of out-of-court settlement of consumer disputes and establishing appropriate conditions for the implementation of product safety policy.

In order to implement the Law on Food Safety, the Law on Genetically Modified Organisms and harmonise with the acquis communautaire, the Government adopted the Regulation on the conditions and method of using genetically modified food or animal feed.

The Government adopted the Concession Plan for Detailed Geological Exploration of Mineral Resources for 2019.

IThe Ccabinet adopted the Information on activities on the implementation of priority projects in the field of tourism July - December 2018. When presenting the Information, it was stated that most of the projects are realised in line with the contracted dynamics, in accordance with the obligations set out in the contract and the investment programs, and that it can be noted that the efficiency of the projects is increasing, especially in relation to the previous reporting period.

The Government adopted the Rural Tourism Development Programme. The discussion emphasised that the priority of rural tourism development is development of diversified and authentic rural tourism offer, in order to create conditions for improving the living standards of the population and stopping the depopulation of rural areas.

In accordance with the Law on Environment, the Cabinet approved the Programme for Monitoring the Environment of Montenegro for 2019. This document, which will be implemented in accordance with the European Union's guidelines in this area, covers 7 programmes: air quality, air pollution monitoring programme, content of hazardous and harmful substances in the soil, state of the ecosystem of the coastal sea, state of biodiversity, noise in environment and radioactivity.

The Government adopted the Decision on the Annual Plan of Official Statistics 2019-2023, which defines the framework of the production of official statistics on an annual basis, in order to monitor the measurement of the results of activities on economic, demographic and social phenomena, as well as phenomena in the field of work and environment. Accordingly, 220 statistical activities are planned to be realised, of which 80% will be realised by the Statistical Office as the main carrier and disseminator of statistical data, while 20% of the planned activities will be realised by other producers of official statistics.

The Government adopted the Proposal for the re-launch of the "Voice of Citizens - ePetition" project and tasked the Ministry of Public Administration to provide the necessary conditions for the work of the e-Petition web portal, and all the ministries, within 15 days, to determine the persons responsible for monitoring and the coordination of petitions from their jurisdiction on the e-Petition web portal. The Ministry of Public Administration was tasked to undertake activities to improve the applicative solution and extend the project to the government units.

Today's Cabinet meeting passed the Report on incidents on the internet in Montenegro and the Report on the establishment of Montenegrin Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT teams). It was noted that, given the increasing number of attacks on state information infrastructure, it is necessary to strengthen the expert staff in this field, and that it is of great importance for the state to establish local teams for managing incidents in cyberspace in, state administration bodies, local self-government bodies, legal entities, as well as to timely exchange of all the information related to cyber protection.

The Montenegrin Government passed the Information on the transfer of mortal remains of members of the Petrović Njegoš Dynasty, proposing the transfer of the remains of Mihailo Petrović Njegoš, buried in France, to Cetinje, as well as the remains of three sons of King Nikola - Prince Danilo and Duke Mirko, buried in Vienna, and Prince Petar, buried in Italy.

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