- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 107th Cabinet session
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Press release from 107th Cabinet session
Published on: Feb 1, 2019 • 1:57 AM Author: PR Service

At the 107th session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the 2019 Programme of Action, whose key commitment is to create conditions for the growth of citizens' living standards.
The Cabinet also passed the Report on the Implementation of the Programme of Accession of Montenegro to the European Union 2018-2020 for 2018 and the Programme of Accession of Montenegro to the European Union 2019-2020, as a strategic document that includes 33 negotiating chapters in a tabular presentation. As the legal framework of the European Union is constantly changing and evolving, and given the dynamics of the negotiation process, the Programme of Accession 2019-2020 adapts to the changes in the process of the development of EU law annually. Accordingly, the document has been developed in order to make it consistent with the current Government's mandate and other key documents.
The Government adopted the Twentieth Quarterly Report on the overall activities in the process of integration of Montenegro into the European Union for the period October - December 2018. The report includes the most important events from the process of Montenegro's accession in terms of the political dialogue of Montenegro with the European Union, informing the public about the process of accession to the Union, activities of the Committee for European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro, implementation of the Stabilisation and Association Agreement, harmonisation of the legislation of Montenegro with the legal acquis of the European Union and the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance - IPA. The report has been forwarded to the members of the Committee for European Integration of the Parliament of Montenegro with the aim of regular and comprehensive exchanging opinions on current issues and challenges of the negotiation process.
The Cabinet passed the Eighth semiannual report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 23 - Judiciary and Fundamental Rights for the period July - December 2018 with the Fifth semiannual report on the implementation of the Operational Document for the Prevention of Corruption, as well as the Eighth semiannual report on the implementation of the Action Plan for Chapter 24 - Justice, Freedom and Security for the period July - December 2018.
The Government adopted the Information on subsidising vulnerable electricity customers, and got acquainted with the Instructions on the procedure and method of implementing the programme for subsidising electricity bills, which will be applied from 1 April 2019 until 31 December 2019.
The Government passed the Transitional Action Plan for 2019 for the continuation of activities from the Strategy for the Suppression of Violent Extremism 2016-2018 and adopted the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for 2016-2018. The goal of passing the Transition Action Plan for 2019 is to ensure the continuation of the implementation of key elements of the Strategy for the Suppression of Violent Extremism 2016-2018. in accordance with the new legal framework for strategic planning, which promotes the principle of economy and rational policy planning. This plan defines 8 operational objectives, i.e. 28 activities for the realisation of four strategic objectives: Adequate understanding of the radicalisation drivers for the purpose of prevention; Strengthening capacity and establishing effective coordination mechanisms among responsible institutions at national and international levels; Implementation of activities in response to the radicalisation drivers - suppression of radicalism and violent extremism, and Monitoring and evaluation in order to eliminate the consequences of violent extremism and terrorism and to plan future activities.
The Government adopted the Information on the activation of the State Guarantee issued to the benefit of the European Investment Bank (EIB), and for the purpose of credit arrangement between the EIB and Invest Bank Montenegro AD Podgorica. According to the issued guarantees, the Government took over the payment of due claims of the European Investment Bank to Invest Bank Montenegro AD in the amount of EUR 2,253,720.03. After the payment of the guaranteed sum, the Ministry of Finance will immediately inform the Protector of Property and Legal Interest of Montenegro and provide the necessary documentation in order that the amount paid will be reported to the bankruptcy estate of Invest banka Montenegro AD Podgorica in bankruptcy.
The discussion pointed out that Montenegro is experiencing strong economic growth, one of the largest in Europe, employment rate has been increased and that numerous economic indicators confirm the successful economic policy of the Government, that the financial system of Montenegro is stable and that events in two commercial banks can not endanger it.
Thanks to a successful economic policy, the Government has the capacity to fulfil these obligations without any danger to the financial system of the country, said Deputy Prime Minister Milutin Simović.
Today's session adopted the Information on the Complementation to the Financing Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the European Commission for the National IPA 2011 Programme was adopted and passed the Complementation to the Agreement, which envisages an extension of the deadline for the implementation of the Construction of main sewage collector in Bijelo Polje project. Considering that all works on the construction of the collector were completed in late October 2018, it is necessary to extend the deadline for elimination of defects and the deadline for payment for one year, i.e. until 21 January and 5 July, 2020 respectively. Thus, the contractor will have a formal and legally defined obligation to remove the identified deficiencies within this deadline, which is a regular procedure under the contract, defined by the rules of contracting in the centralised EU fund management system.
The Government established the Coordination Committee for the transfer of the remains of the descendants of the Petrović Njegoš Dynasty. The Coordinating Committee, set up as a temporary working body of the Government, consists of the President of Montenegro, Speaker of the Parliament, Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister for Political System, Interior and Foreign Policy, Minister of Justice, ministers of culture, foreign and Interior affairs, defence, human and minority rights, and health, Prince Nikola Petrović Njegoš, Mayor of the Old Royal Capital of Cetinje, President of the Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts, Rector of the University of Montenegro, directors of the National Museum of Montenegro and the Directorate for the Protection of Cultural Property, and Aleksandar Čilikov, Živko Andrijašević, Dragutin Papović, Rifat Alihodžić, Pavle Goranović and Dimitrije Popović.
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