- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Economic Development Public Call for expression of interest for exploit...
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Public Call for expression of interest for exploitation of mineral resource of cement marl in the “Jagnjilo” technogenic deposit, Pljevlja Municipality
Published on: Feb 7, 2019 • 3:37 PM Author: Ministarstvo ekonomije
for expression of interest for exploitation of mineral resource of cement marl in the “Jagnjilo” technogenic deposit, Pljevlja Municipality
The Government of Montenegro intends to award a concession for exploitation of mineral resource of cement marl from the technogenic deposit “Jagnjilo”, Pljevlja Municipality.
We hereby invite potential investors to express their interest in exploitation of the abovementioned mineral resource by sending a Letter of Intent to the Ministry of Economy.
The technogenic deposit of cement marl “Jagnjilo” near Pljevlja was created by years of disposal of overburden resulting from coal mining from the overlying part of the “Potrlica” deposit, Pljevlja Municipality, where coal is exploited by “Rudnik Uglja” JSC Pljevlja. It is located in the vicinity of Pljevlja, on the Rajčevo Hill slopes (1121 m.a.s.l.), in the east-south part. It is at about 2.5 km air distance from the city center. The main Pljevlja-Prijepolje road is located in close proximity, as well as the intersection near Slijepač Bridge for the regional Pljevlja-Adriatic Sea road. It is formed by a system of floors according to physical and mechanical properties of the material supplied and the morphology of the terrain itself.
The technogenic deposit of cement marl is an elongated prismatic body, extending in the southeast-northwest direction. It is about 1400 m long and about 400 - 500 m wide. With respect to hypsometry, it is located between 980 and 1070 m.a.s.l. The “Jagnjilo” technogenic deposit occupies an area of about 90 ha.
About 42.000.000 m3 of solid mass or 80.000.000 t was transported to the Jagnjilo external landfill from 1952, since coal exploitation in the Potrlica open pit mine is taking place, until 31 December 2017.
Average value of CaCO3 and MgCO3 content combined for all three productive layers of cement marl in the “Potrlica” deposit equals 75,42% of CaCO3 and 1,27% of MgCO3, which corresponds to requirements for raw material in the cement industry, and average value of 11 quality characteristics for all three packages of cement marl calculated cummulatively on the basis of data from complete analyses equals: 13.48% of SiO2, 3.11% of Al2O3, 2.06% of Fe2O3, 41.99% of CaO, 37.39% of GZ, 0.69% of MgO, 0.19% of SO3, 0.33% of Na2O, 0.56% of K2O, 0.25 of MnO and 0.08% of P2O5.
Since marl of various quality from the said deposit was disposed on the external landfill – technogenic deposit “Jagnjilo”, it is necessary to establish its quality by exploratory works and laboratory tests.
There have been many complex studies and reports in the past period, which indicated a high potential of overlying marl in the “Potrlica” deposit and the external landfill – technogenic deposit “Janjilo”, as a mineral resource in the cement industry, by using data from earlier exploration of cement marl in the “Potrlica” deposit and by verifying their quality in the production of Portland cement during operation of former cement factory.
Potential investors are required to deliver Letters of Interest for exploitation of mineral resource of cement marl on the “Jagnjilo” deposit, Pljevlja Municipality, to the Ministry of Economy, address: Rimski trg 46, 81000 Podgorica, not later than 31 March 2019.
Based on received Letters of Interest, the Ministry of Economy will decide on the manner of award of a concession for exploitation of the said mineral resource from the “Jagnjilo” deposit.
Questions concerning the Letter of Interest and the procedure for awarding a concession can be sent to e-mail: primjedbe.koncesije@mek.gov.me.
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