- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 108th Cabinet session
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Press release from 108th Cabinet session
Published on: Feb 7, 2019 • 11:49 PM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (7 February 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Programme for Stimulating Water Supply Projects in 2019, which foresees the allocation of nearly EUR 1 million (970,000) to finance water supply networks construction and another 80,000 euros for financing other obligations and needs in the field of water management.
The programme includes the construction of 31 water supply networks in order to create better living and working conditions in the rural area, as well as further development of agriculture. Priority was given to rural water supply networks, which were financed in the previous period, as well as new requests for water supply, submitted by municipalities.
Prime Minister Marković pointed to the significant continuous multi-million dollar investment of the Government in the overall infrastructure in local governments - road, communal, social as well as numerous capital projects. He reiterated that the Law on Financing Local Self-Government further strengthened the possibilities of municipalities, especially less developed ones, given the fact that this law have provided about 13 million euros for this purpose.
"This is the relation of our policy towards the citizens, this is the contribution of the Government to the development of our rural areas and we want to ensure that citizens live better and develop their potentials", said Prime Minister Duško Marković.
Considering several items of the XV session of the Privatisation and Capital Projects Council of 1 February 2019, the Government passed the Decision on the Pivatisation Plan for 2019 and adopted: the Report on the work of the Privatisation and Capital Projects Council for 2018 with the Report on the realisation of the privatisation plan for 2018, Report on realised investment and other activities under the Long-Term Lease and Construction Agreement referring to "Luštica Development" AD Tivat - Luštica Bay project for 2018, Report on realised investment and other activities under the Agreement on the Long-Term Lease of the Lastavica Island with Mamula fortress for 2018, Report on realised investments under the Decision on granting long-term lease of land on Luštica Peninsula - Herceg Novi for the period 16 December 2017 - 20 December 2018, Initiative of the Investor of the New Tobacco Combine AD Podgorica related to the resolution of the non-monetary role of the Government of Montenegro in AD "New Tobacco Combine - Podgorica" and Information on the fulfillment of the conditions for the return of the second bank guarantee to Turkey-based "Global Ports Holding" - buyer of shares of the company "Container terminal and General cargo "AD - Bar. Approval was given to the Decision of the Board of Directors on the selection of the model and initiation of the restructuring process No. 02-7220 / 5 adopted by the Board of Directors of HG "Budvanska rivijera AD - Budva" on 20 December 2018.
The Government passed the Programme for the Construction, Maintenance, Reconstruction and Modernisation of Railway Infrastructure for 2019. In the current year, EUR 22,546,644.28 will be allocated for that purpose.
The Cabinet passed the Decision on the Award of the Contract on the Obligation to Provide Services of Passenger Transport of Public Interest, whereby the provision of services for the transport of passengers of public interest is granted to "Railway Transport of Montenegro". The decision stipulates that the contract is awarded for a period of one year, while the fee for covering part of the costs incurred in connection with the provision of the service amounts to EUR 4,030,000.
The Government gave its consent to the Programme of Action and the Financial Plan of the National Tourist Organisation of Montenegro for 2019. In order to improve the promotion of Montenegro's tourist offer and the development of new tourism products, the Program of Action includes a set of activities that the National Tourist Organisation plans to implement this year, based on the analysis of the results achieved in the past year, the conditions on the emission markets, available accommodation capacities, products, available funds in the budget and current trends in the world economy and tourism.
The results of the 2017 and 2018 tourist seasons confirm the trend of continuous growth in the number of arrivals, overnight stays and income from tourism at global and national levels. Montenegro saw significant growth in the number of foreign tourists and exceeds the global growth rate. The National Tourist Organisation will focus its activities primarily on European markets, namely Germany speaking countries, Great Britain, France, Poland, Russia and the Region, but will continue activities in other markets in cooperation with the Montenegrin institutions and organisations from the countries of the region.
At today's session, the Cabinet passed the Decision on the opening of the Consulate of Montenegro in Durban, South Africa. The headquarters in Durban and the consular jurisdiction for the entire territory of the South African Republic will give a new impetus to strengthening relations between the two countries and further protect the interests of the Montenegrin citizens in that area. Furthermore, the Government appointed Vidoje Čavor as the honorary consul of Montenegro in Durban - South Africa, with jurisdiction over the entire territory of the South African Republic.
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