- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 109th Cabinet session
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Press release from 109th Cabinet session
Published on: Feb 15, 2019 • 1:11 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (14 February 2019) -- At today'a session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Drat Law on the Ratification of the Protocol on the Accession of the Republic of North Macedonia to NATO and sent it to Parliament for adoption under the shortened procedure.
The rationale of the proposed law states that, by reaching a historic agreement with Greece on the new name in June 2018, the integration of the Republic of North Macedonia into NATO, after many years of stagnation, marked significant progress and at the NATO Summit in July 2018, Macedonia was invited to start accession talks with the Alliance. With the adoption of constitutional changes in the Parliament and the ratification of the Prespa Agreement by the Greek Parliament, the conditions for the signing of the Protocol on the Accession of the Republic of North Macedonia to NATO were created at the North Atlantic Council meeting (NAC) on 6 February 2019.
The discussion, where several members of the Cabinet took part, highlighted the efforts, visionary and courage in the process of stabilising the situation in Macedonia and the opening of the European and Euro-Atlantic perspective of the country, as well as the continuous support that Montenegro has provided at the meetings between the two prime ministers Duško Marković and Zoran Zaev, as well as on other occasions. Montenegro wants, the discussion stressed, to be among the first NATO members to ratify the Protocol.
Prime Minister Duško Marković noted that Montenegro is pleased to express the desire for the friendly country to end the membership negotiations as quickly as possible and become the 30th member of NATO.
"Montenegro reaffirms the support it has provided to Macedonia, which will become an additional stability factor in the region and its Euro-Atlantic perspective," the Prime Minister concluded.
The Government adopted the Decision on the calculated value for public sector employees for 2019. After discussion with representatives of trade unions of Montenegro, the calculated value of the coefficient, as well as in previous years, was determined in the amount of 90 euros.
Today's session passed the Information on the confirmation of the provision of support for the implementation of public calls within the IPARD II programme 2014-2020. On this occasion, the Government adopted the conclusions concerning the provision of funds for national co-financing of projects under this Programme. Through the implementation of the IPARD programme, a total of 51,816,473 euro grant will be available to the Montenegrin farmers, of which the EU funds amount to 39,000,000 euros, and the national co-financing amounts to 12,816,473 euros. The granting of non-refundable support to end-users will be paid according to the defined criteria and will be within the range of 50 to 70%, depending on the type of investment and the geographical location of the holdings and the location of the investment. The goal of the IPARD II programme is the restructuring and modernisation of the agricultural and processing sector, with the aim of creating competitive agricultural holdings and the processing sector, which will be ready for EU accession and the use of EU funds.
The Government passed the Decision on the distribution of profits and the increase in the share capital of the Limited Liability Company "Montenegrin Electricity Market Operator" - Podgorica and the Decision Amending the Decision on the Establishment of a Limited Liability Company "Montenegrin Electricity Market Operator.".These documents determined that the total profit of this company - 561,749.35 euros is allocated in the name of reserves (101,410.48 euros), while the rest of profit (460,338.87 euros) represents an increase in the company's share capital.
The Cabinet passed the Information on the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the State Audit Institution at the end of the third quarter of 2018, and adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the recommendations of the State Audit Institution. On this occasion, the Government instructed certain budget users to coordinate activities for the purpose of implementing the recommendations and to submit to the Ministry of Finance quarterly reports for all the units they oversee.
The Cabinet session passed the Information on the activities of the Commission for Missing Persons in 2018, which provides an overview of all activities individually in the previous year. The Commission is seeking 57 Montenegrin citizens and persons whose applicants, at the time they reported their disappearance, were resident in Montenegro, of which 44 persons are being sought on the territory of Kosovo, 10 on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 3 on the territory of Croatia. In cooperation with commissions and other associations in the countries of the region dealing with this issue, the Commission resolved and executed the handover of the remains of 27 persons missing in armed conflicts in the former Yugoslavia in the past period. It was emphasised that the Commission cooperates with relevant ministries, experts and forensics, and relevant international organisations and institutions, as well as with families of the missing, in order to provide a comprehensive, professional and systematic approach to address this issue.
The Government also passed the Information on signing the Agreement on the recognition of training and certification of sailors for service at ships registered in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. By signing this document, sailors from Montenegro will be able to be hired on ships operating under the flag of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
The Cabinet approved the Report on the Work of the Council for the Protection of Animals for 2018. When presenting the Report, it was pointed out that since the founding of the Council, a number of significant initiatives have been launched. Among other things, it started with the activities related to the protection of the welfare of dogs and the responsible ownership of their holders, as well as the issue of controlling the abandoned dog population, that is, the stray dogs. It was concluded that the establishment of central dog records, provided through the support of the World Bank, as well as the envisaged funds in the budget for the implementation of measures for identification and registration of dogs, will form the basis for the implementation of legislation and criminal policy in this area and the affirmation of responsible ownership.
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