- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 110th Cabinet session
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Press release from 110th Cabinet session
Published on: Feb 22, 2019 • 12:27 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (21 February 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Regulation on the Evaluation of Work of Civil Servants and State Employees, which prescribes closer evaluation criteria, within the criteria established by the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees.
Today's meeting passed he Road Safety Report for 2018. It was concluded that the analysis of statistical indicators of traffic accidents indicates that the traffic safety in 2018 significantly improved compared to the previous year and can be assessed as favourable. The number of fatalities decreased by 23.8%, the number of seriously injured persons was reduced by 9.5% and the number of minor injuries was reduced by 1.8%. The Government tasked the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Transport Directorate and the Police Authority to undertake all planned measures for the implementation of strategic and other planning documents and regulations and to continue the activities on securing financial and other prerequisites for the implementation of all necessary measures towards all traffic participants in 2019.
In line with the Law Amending the Law on the Central Bank, the Government passed the Regulation Amending the Regulation on the cessation of the validity of certain by-laws. The Law Amending the Law on the Central Bank removed the article regarding the legal basis for the adoption of the Rulebook on detailed conditions and procedure for providing emergency liquidity support to the bank, which created the conditions for the termination of the Rule.
The Cabinet adopted the Regulation on the amount of fee for the issuance of urban and technical conditions for temporary facilities established by the Programme of temporary facilities, which established fees in the amount of EUR 10.00 for mobile and EUR 50.00 for fixed temporary facilities.
The Government adopted the Information on the Proposed Agreement on the Implementation of the Technical Support Project between the Ministry of Finance of Hungary and the Government of Montenegro - the Office for European Integration, within the Interreg V-B Danube Transnational (DTP) for the period 2014-2020. The signing of the Agreement aims to efficiently and effectively manage and implement the Programme and improve the support to project promoters and beneficiaries.
Today's session also adopted the Information on amendments to the Financing Agreement between the Government of Montenegro and the European Commission related to the "IPA Adriatic Cross-Border Cooperation Programme" under the Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance 2007-2013, with the Proposal for Amendments to the Financing Agreement. The changes relate to more precise information presentation and are not essential.
The Government adopted the Action Plan for Implementation of the Integrated Border Management Strategy 2014-2018, for 2019, and adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Measures and Activities from the Action Plan for 2018. Last year, the improvement of the integrated border management system continued in line with the recommendations and best practices of the European Union. Among other things, the Draft Law Amending the Law on Border Control was established, the new Law on Foreigners was successfully implemented, as well as the capacities for the flow of asylum seekers, as well as the activities and capacities of the Border Police in the conduct of border control. Also, cross-border police cooperation and activities on the suppression of cross-border organised crime were enhanced, activities were undertaken to resolve bilateral issues with neighbouring countries, as well as activities on the implementation of signed international treaties on the state border, border crossings and border traffic.
Implementation of the Action Plan was considered very important for meeting the criteria and achieving the European security system, strengthening the ability to take over obligations arising from membership in the European Union, and aligning with Schengen requirements as key challenges in the process of Montenegro's EU accession.
At today's session, the Cabinet adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for Integrated Migration Management in Montenegro 2017-2020 for 2018, which emphasises that nearly a hundred percent achievement of the planned measures and effective implementation of the policy of controlling migration movements. The Report states that the most important activities in the area of migration in Montenegro in the previous period were the adoption of a new Law on International and Temporary Protection of Aliens and the Law on Foreigners. European Union standards in the area of migration are largely transposed into both laws, and their implementation will bring about delicate changes in terms of the quality and efficiency of this system.
The Government adopted the 15th report on the implementation of the Strategy for the Prevention and Suppression of Terrorism, Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing 2015-2018 and the Action Plan 2017 - 2018 for the reporting period from July to December 2018.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the Proposed Memorandum of Understanding between the Institute for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions and the German NGO "Help Hilfe zur Selbsthilfe." The implementation of the project components defined by the Memorandum contributes to the expansion of prisoner 's working activities within the prison system, as well as their successful rehabilitation and reintegration. The state allocated 15,000 euros for these purposes, and the donation in the same amount was provided by the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs through the Stability Pact for South East Europe.
The Government adopted the Information on the amendments to the Agreement on the transfer of credit and grants for the needs of the project "Wastewater Collection and Treatment in Podgorica" financed from a loan arrangement signed on 22 September 2017 between the German Development Bank (KfW) and the Government of Montenegro in the amount of 35 million euros. According to the revised agreement, the Capital City was given a period of sixty days in order to have the time to implement the necessary procedures and fulfil the contractual obligation towards the State.
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