- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 111th Cabinet session
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Press release from 111th Cabinet session
Published on: Mar 1, 2019 • 1:45 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (28 February 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for the period 2019-2024. and the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for 2019. The strategy represents the national policy of combating trafficking in human beings in the coming five-year period in the following: prevention, protection of victims, prosecution, partnership, coordination and international cooperation. Unlike previous documents, the new strategy contains an analysis of the current situation in the fight against trafficking in human beings, as well as a cross-section of the remaining challenges and recommendations for further action in order to achieve a higher degree of efficiency of the entire system of combating trafficking in human beings. The efficiency and functionality of the prevention, identification, protection, assistance and monitoring of victims of trafficking with special focus on children will be improved, as well as the efficiency of investigations, prosecution and punishment in accordance with criminal legislation. The goals of the trategy were elaborated in the Action Plan for 2019, where specific activities, bearers, dynamics, necessary financial resources, as well as indicators of the results, were defined.
Today's session also passed the Action Plan for the implementation of the Schengen Action Plan for 2019 and the Report on the implementation of the Schengen Action Plan for 2018. The discussion expressed satisfaction with the high percentage of realisation of the measures envisaged for 2018 (90.48%). During the reporting period, the Draft Law Amending the Law on Border Control was passed, whose adoption will improve the normative framework and fulfil the obligations stipulated by the Schengen Action Plan. The new Law on Foreigners has been successfully implemented, which regulated the entry and exit in a quality way, as well as the movement and stay of foreigners in Montenegro in line with international standards and obligations set out in the Action Plan for Chapter 24. The capacities for the arrival of asylum seekers and enhanced cooperation with international partners regarding their care; the activities and capacities of the border police, as well as cross-border police cooperation and activities on the suppression of cross-border organised crime, have been improved. The focus of the new Plan, inter alia, will be focused on the implementation of measures for which funding from EU funds is foreseen, in the amount of EUR 8 million.
The Government approved the Decision Amending the State Study of the Location "Sector 5." The area of the planning document is part of the settlement of Kumbor, the coastal area of the municipality of Herceg Novi. The amendments enable the construction, encourage further development of a wider area and create conditions for valorisation of a valuable part of the coast, respecting the guidelines deriving from the legislation and all documents relating to the protection of nature and cultural heritage.
The Cabinet approved the Decision Amending the State Study of the Location "Rt Đeran - Port Milena," Municipality of Ulcinj. Initiative for amendments to the State Study was submitted by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development for the purpose of introducing the fishing port at this location into the planning document and improving the conditions of fishing, within the implementation of the Second project of institutional development and strengthening of agriculture (MIDAS II). Also, the goal of the amendments is to re-examine urban solutions within the valid document and, according to development needs, create preconditions for the development of tourism, suppress the uncontrolled expansion of settlements, preserve the identity of the settlements, and improve the content of social standards and utility infrastructure.
The Government adopted the Information on the Guarantee Agreement between the European Investment Fund as the Guarantor and the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro AD as a beneficiary and gave its approval to the text of the Agreement.
In line with Article 185, paragraph 2 of the Law on Spatial Planning and Construction of Structure ("Official Gazette of Montenegro", No. 64/17, 44/18 and 63/18), the Government gave consent to the Transport Directorate for carrying out preparatory works for the construction of complex of the engineering facility - Reconstruction of Dinoša-Cijevna Zatrijebačka road.
The Government also gave its approval to the Program of Action and Plan for the Adoption of Montenegrin Standards for 2019. For the purpose of faster integration into international and European flows, the Institute for Standardisation of Montenegro, as a national standardisation body, is tasked to design, organise and carry out harmonisation of the Montenegrin standards and related documents with international and European standards and related documents, respecting European and international normative acts.
Today's session adopted the Information on the need of signing the Convention on Crimes related to Cultural Property. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Council of Europe, several conventions/protocols will be signed at the 129th meeting of the Committee of Ministers on 16-17 May in Helsinki, including the Convention on Criminal Offenses Relating to Cultural Property. The signing of the Convention is part of a package of measures to strengthen the protection of cultural goods in Montenegro in order to prevent and combat the destruction, damage and smuggling of cultural goods through the criminalisation of certain acts, strengthening the prevention of crime and the response of the criminal justice system to all criminal offenses related to cultural goods, as well as the promotion of domestic and international cooperation in the fight against criminal offenses related to cultural goods.
The Government adopted the Report from the 34th Session of the National Council for Sustainable Development, Climate Change and Integrated Coastal Zone Management and supported the implementation of the transformation of the National Council into the State Council and the establishment of the Office for Sustainable Development.
Minister without Portfolio and President of the Commission for Estimating Damage from Natural Disasters Marija Vučinović spoke about the damage caused by the stormy wind on 23 February 2019. On this occasion, the Government allocated a total of EUR 40,000 for the Clinical Centre of Montenegro, Special Hospital for Pulmonary Diseases "Dr Jovan Bulajic" in Brezovik and six health centers in Podgorica, as well as 90,000 for repairing the damage caused by the consequences of last week's hurricane wind in municipalities of Danilovgrad, Golubovci and Tuzi.
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