Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.

Minister Bošković: NATO membership recognised as one of key elements of new defence strategy

Published on: Mar 7, 2019 9:42 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (7 March 2019) -- At today's session, the Government of Montenegro passed the Draft Defence Strategy of Montenegro, the most important strategic document in the field of defence. 

"This document focuses on the development of the defence system of Montenegro and engagement of defence resources in response to contemporary security challenges, risks and threats in the long term", Minister of Defence Predrag Bošković told the press following the Cabinet session.

He also noted that the current Defence Strategy was adopted more than ten years ago, and that it had to be revised, bearing in mind that in the meantime significant changes in the geostrategic and security environment occurred. The new strategic framework enables the further development of the defence system, and NATO membership is recognised as one of the key elements of the concept.

"The draft defence strategy respects the current and future defence needs of Montenegro. The document provides a clear vision of protecting the independence, sovereignty and state territory of Montenegro, with the integrated engagement of all national capacities and support of the allies. The strategy also implements the vision set out in the NATO Strategic Concept, especially when it comes to contributing to the development and capabilities of the Alliance, as well as the preservation of peace and security in the region and the world," said Minister Bošković.

For full press release in Montenegrin please click here.
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