- Government of Montenegro
Bar - Boljare is most complex development infrastr...
Bar - Boljare is most complex development infrastructure project in Montenegro's history
Sensational reporting related to the implementation of the Bar-Boljare motorway project has become a regular occurrence in one part of the Montenegrin media, who with unreliable and inaccurate information from unreliable sources and unprofessional approach to work try to conduct daily political competition through the implementation of the Bar-Boljare motorway project, persistently trying to determine the target.
The construction of the Bar - Boljare motorway is the most complex development infrastructure project in the history of Montenegro, whose implementation, according to public opinion research, is supported by the vast majority of citizens.
We remind the Montenegrin public that there is no culprit personified in any person in the implementation of the Bar-Boljare motorway project, since the first idea about the need for implementation of this project dates back to 1969, while the detailed spatial plan of the Bar-Boljare motorway and the preliminary project plan for its priority section was drafted in 2008. During the preparation, as well as during the implementation of this project, the primacy was given to expert opinions, attitudes and recommendations, so it is not possible to talk about omissions during its implementation.
The implementation on the basis of the Preliminary Project Plan is a common phenomenon in capital infrastructure projects, and the Contract on the design and construction of the priority section Smokovac-Mateševo of the Bar-Boljare motorway concluded on 26.02.2014 clearly defines the obligation of the Contractor to fully examine the Preliminary Project Plan, drawings and all the supporting data and documentation provided by the Investor and to fully confirm the completeness no later than the date of signing the Contract.
The public is already aware of the existence of subsequent and unpredictable works. The water supply system and power supply system is not only intended for the needs of the Bar-Boljare motorway, but also for the needs of the neighbouring settlements, that is, for the economic and tourist development of the northern part of Montenegro. When it comes to the construction of a power supply system, we also emphasise that the future payment of credit funds for its construction and management of the electricity infrastructure will be taken over by the Montenegrin Electric Transmission System (CGES) and the Montenegrin Electricity Distribution System (CEDIS), in accordance with the Law on Energy.
The possibility of subsequent and unpredictable works was foreseen in the conclusion of the Design and Construction Contract, for which the 2014 Contract stipulates an indicative amount of 10% of the contracted value of the works, that is, the amount of EUR 80,957,735.61. The contractual procedures regarding the implementation of subsequent and unpredictable works are ongoing, at the end of which the public will be familiar with the data. If we have in mind that the value of the contracted works is EUR 809,577,356.14, and that the indicative amount foreseen for subsequent and unpredictable works is EUR 80,957,735.61, we come to the value of EUR 890,535,091.75 as the value of building the priority section Smokovac-Mateševo, which is certainly significantly lower than speculations of some Montenegrin media.
On the above-mentioned basis, we remind the citizens of Montenegro, as the ultimate Investor and beneficiary of the project, that there are no forgotten works, and that the tendentious reporting by a part of the Montenegrin public are not in the interest of the Project itself and positive representation of Montenegro to the domestic and international public, nor it contributes to the building of society that should stimulate a benevolent, constructive and argumentative dialogue, which will not be a means of political manipulation.
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/bumHH79kBpA