- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 114th Cabinet session
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Press release from 114th Cabinet session
Published on: Mar 22, 2019 • 2:03 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (21 March 2019) -- At today's 114th session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Communal Police. The discussion stressed that the draft law improves the legal framework for the organisation and operation of the communal police in order to carry out tasks within its competence more efficiently and create additional conditions for providing communal order in units of local government, thus enabling more efficient work of local government bodies in pursuing policies.
Today's session also passed the Regulation on the types and manner of using customs features. The regulation determines an innovative way a greater choice of customs features used in customs procedures in different categories of goods traffic, which has not been the case so far. New solutions will improve procedures, level of security in securing goods, which will have a positive impact on the suppression of grey economy and smuggling, as well as better collection of customs fees.
The Government adopted the Information on the Accession of Montenegro to the European Centre of Excellence for Confronting Hybrid Threats, Helsinki, Kingdom of Finland. The Centre promotes countering hybrid threats at the strategic level through research and training, and aims to create a network of experts for comprehensive security. The Centre represents a significant support to cooperation between the EU and NATO, which have highlighted cooperation in the field of combating hybrid threats as one of the priorities of joint action. Since combating hybrid threats is one of the priorities of the Government, it was noted that Montenegro's membership will help eliminate the risks that are the product of hybrid influences on democratic processes in Montenegro and the development of resistance to negative cyber, financial and energy impacts, as well as campaigns spread disinformation and propaganda. The exchange of experience and best practice within the Centre, as well as the support that the Centre will provide to Montenegro's efforts in building and strengthening national capacities, are very useful in countering these security challenges.
With a view to meeting the needs and interests of the diaspora - the Montenegrin emigrants, the Government passed the Decision to open the General Consulate of Montenegro in the Republic of Turkey, based in Istanbul.
The Government passed the Strategy for improving the quality of life of LGBTI people in Montenegro 2019-2023 and the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for 2019, which, as it was emphasised, is an expression of the continuity of the Government's policy and its commitment to the promotion and protection of the rights and freedoms of LGBTI people.
The Cabinet adopted the Report on Public Debt of Montenegro on 31 December 2018, The report states that the total public debt of Montenegro at the end of last year amounted to EUR 3,268.56 million or 70.99% of the GDP. Considering the deposits of the Ministry of Finance, which include 38,477 ounces of gold, which amounted to EUR 276,83 million at the end of 2018, the net public debt of Montenegro amounted to EUR 2,991.73 million or 64.97% of the GDP. The discussion on this topic emphasied that the Government pursued consistent, consistent and responsible fiscal policy with both the stability of public finances and the conditions for strong economic growth, which is clearly indicated by the continuation of positive trends in the economy in the first two months of the current year. The best confirmation of these ratings is the recently published Standard & Poors's report, which reaffirms Montenegro's "stable" outlook, while preserving the B + / B rating.
The Government adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Regular and Investment Maintenance, Reconstruction and Construction of State Roads Plan for 2018 and approved the Plan for 2019, which foresees the most important works in order to improve the conditions and the safety of traffic. The Law on the Budget of Montenegro for 2019 plans to allocate EUR 45,087,263.25 for this purpose.
Today's session adopted the Plan of giving concessions in the field of waters for 2019. The plan identifies areas - localities where concession activity can be carried out, objects of concessions and deadlines for publishing public tenders for concessions to use part of water for bottling purposes, use of water for technological and similar needs of legal entities in quantity exceeding 86m³ / day, as well as growing of fish in quantities of more than 150 t/year for economic and other purposes.
The Cabinet approved the Report on the activities for the implementation of youth policy for 2018. In 2018. The Ministry of Sport and Youth allocated EUR 511,876.00 for the implementation of measures and activities of youth policy within the six key goals defined by the Youth Strategy 2017-2021 and the Action Plan for the implementation of the Strategy for 2018 in order to improve the position of young people, their activism, mobility, skills and competence of young people in all areas of their social activity. The report on the implementation of the Action Plan shows that out of 95 activities, 89 or 93.7 percent were fully implemented.
The Government approved the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities in Montenegro (2016-2020) for 2018.
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