- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 115th Cabinet session
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Press release from 115th Cabinet session
Published on: Mar 29, 2019 • 4:01 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (28 march 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Public Administration Optimisation Plan 2018-2020 for the period from 1 September to 31 December 2018 and the Analysis of the Effects of Short Term Measures of the Plan of Optimisation in 2018.
The analysis showed that after half a year of implementation of the Plan of Optimisation, it is possible to talk about the effects of the Plan, i.e., positive trends, although this is a short period of implementation of half a year. The relative share of employment in public administration decreases in December 2017, employment in public administration accounted for 28.2% of total employment, while in December 2018 it decreased to 26.8%, or 1.4%. In the first six months, the number of employees at the local level decreased by 3.9%, or 475 employees.
Prime Minister Duško Marković said, concluding a discussion involving several members of the Government, that the optimisation of the administration is not only its numerical reduction, but that the goal is better and more efficient administration. "The results we achieve, which are not for underestimation, but are commendable, are the result of the enormous effort of a small number of people," said the Prime Minister.
The Government adopted the Report showing a positive trend and a high degree of public confidence in the work of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police.
The Government severely condemned the attacks in Berane on the representatives of the Croatian minority, Igor Tomkić, describing it as abominable and cowardly and demanding rigorous punishment of the perpetrators.
PM Marković said that the Tomkić family is a target of organised attacks because of ethnicity, but that it is also the attacks on Montenegro and the values we cherish - multi-ethnicity and multiconfessionalism.
"We will do everything to find executors and orderers," the Prime Minister stressed.
The Government adopted the Decision on Amending the Detailed Urban Plan "Industrial Zone of KAP" in Podgorica. The main goal of amendments is to increase the value and modernisation of industrial production, as well as to create spatial possibilities for the realization of business zones within industrial complexes.
Today's session adopted the Information on activities on the implementation of the Decision on criteria, method and procedure for selection of persons who may acquire Montenegrin citizenship by admission for the purpose of implementation of special investment programme of particulr importance for the business and economic interest of Montenegro. Within the framework of the implementation of the Decision, a public call for expressing interest for qualification of projects on the List of Development Projects in the field of tourism was announced, actively working on defining the conditions for development projects in the fields of energy, information and communication technologies and industry, as well as conditions for development projects in the fields of agriculture and manufacturing. On this occasion, it was emphasised that the Programme should contribute to the development of less developed local self-government units and intensify development projects in the field of tourism, agriculture and manufacturing and will be available to up to 2,000 most relevant applicants over a period of three years.
The Government adopted the Plan for the preparation of the 2019 summer tourist season. This document defines activities in improving infrastructure, quality of services in the tourism sector and other related sectors, improvement of tourist and catering offer through new hotel and other types of accommodation capacities, diversity of tourist products, reduction of gray economy, encouragement of employment of domestic workforce and youth, promotion Montenegro as a unity of diversity in a small space, events and events in order for Montenegro to become an all year tourist destination.
The Government adopted the National Strategy for Chemicals Management in 2019-2022, with the Action Plan for the period 2019-2022, in order to ensure a high level of protection of human and environmental health and improve free trade with the EU and other countries, while encouraging the competitiveness of the Montenegrin economy through the introduction more secure chemicals and technological processes.
Today's session adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the final benchmark for Negotiation Chapter 2 - Freedom of movement of workers. In accordance with the key objective - identifying all the steps and measures that need to be taken to meet the criteria for temporary closing of negotiations, specific objectives are defined: harmonisation of the national with the European legislation, strengthening of administrative capacities and establishment of a rational coordination model for all activities in Chapter 2.
The Government adopted the Action Plan for the implementation of the Programme "Creative Montenegro: Identity, Image, Promotion" 2017-2020, for 2019.
Today's session also adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Development Strategy of the Police Authority for the period 2016-2020, for 2019-2020, with the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for 2018. The Action Plan identifies measures and activities that provide, among other things, the gradual implementation of EU standards, creating conditions for raising the level of intergrity and security of police officers, improving the police education system, training and professional and career development systems, raising the level of implementation of professional standards and competencies controls at all levels.
The Government adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for Safety Improvement in Road Transport (2010-2019) for 2019 and adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for 2018. Measures defined by the plan for 2019 represent the continuity of activities implemented in the previous year, along with a number of new activities that will contribute to the development of a functional traffic system, with the constant reduction of the number of dead and seriously injured in road traffic.
The Government accepted the Agreement on Reducing the Price of Roaming Services in Public Mobile Communications Networks in the Western Balkan region. The discussion emphasised that this document was planned to be signed at the second Digital Summit of the Western Balkan countries on 4-5 April 4 2019 in Belgrade, by the line ministers of the Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, the Republic of Kosovo, North Macedonia and Serbia. The signatories agreed that the maximum retail prices for roaming services in the Western Balkan region will be reduced to the price level under the "as at home" rule, and the implementation of the Agreement will begin on 1 July 2019.
The Government adopted the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy for the Protection of Persons with Disabilities from Discrimination and Promotion of Equality for the period 2017-2021, for 2019 and 2020.
Prime Minister Duško Markovic called on ministers to improve the employment of persons with disabilities and other vulnerable categories without delay. "I will do it in my Cabinet," said the Prime Minister.
The Government adopted the Program for Implementation of the Plan of activities for achieving gender equality for the period 2017-2021, for 2019 and 2020 and adopted the Report on the implementation of the Programme for 2018. The program envisages, inter alia, activities to further harmonise domestic legislation with the Council of Europe Convention on the Prevention and Suppression of Violence against Women and Domestic Violence (Istanbul Convention) and ensure the strict application of criminal law provisions punishing violence against women.
The Final Report on the Implementation of the Strategy for Improving the Quality of Life of LGBTI Persons in Montenegro 2013-2018. It was noted that during the implementation of the Strategy, numerous measures were undertaken in different sectors aimed at raising the quality of life of LGBTI people, strengthening their social acceptance and creating a social environment in which their rights are respected in full scope. During the presentation of the Report, it was emphasised that the active contribution to the achievement of the goals of the strategy, besides national institutions, was given by non-governmental organisations dealing with the protection and promotion of human rights of LGBTI people in partnership with institutions or independently.
The Government adopted the Report on the Development and Protection of the Rights of Minority Nations and Other Minority National Communities in 2018, which contains an overview of the policy of protecting minorities both in the normative part and in certain areas of social life important for the protection of minority peoples and other minority national communities.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the conclusion of the Protocol between the Government of Montenegro and the Council of Ministers of Bosnia and Herzegovina on Cooperation in the Search for Missing Persons. In order to further enhance bilateral cooperation at the level of the Commission for Missing Persons of the Government of Montenegro and the Institute for Missing Persons of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in order to contribute to alleviating the serious humanitarian consequences of the conflict on the territory of the former Yugoslavia, starting from the right of families to the complete truth about their missing member, the text of the Protocol was drafted to regulate in a special way the mutual relations, obligations and the way of working together. The Missing Persons Commission of the Government of Montenegro currently seeks 57 Montenegrin citizens and persons whose applicants at the time of their disappearance had their residence in Montenegro, of which 44 persons are being sought pm the territory of Kosovo, 10 on the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina and 3 persons on the territory of the Republic of Croatia.
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