- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 116th Cabinet session
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Press release from 116th Cabinet session
Published on: Apr 5, 2019 • 2:36 AM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (4 April 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet decided to authorise its representatives in the Social Council to propose an increase in the minimum wage by 15% - from the current EUR 193 to EUR 222, and a reduction in the tax burden on labour by 2% .
It was noted that the Government, in cooperation with the relevant international organisations and in constant dialogue with employers and social partners, has responsibly and systematically analysed different scenarios of increasing the minimum wage in combination with a reduction in the tax burden on labour.
"This decision aims to boost the living standards of citizens with the lowest incomes, as well as reducing tax burden that will relax employers. We are able to reach the decision thanks to the encouraging results achieved by the consistent implementation of the economic policy in the previous period, "said the Prime Minister.
The discussion stressed that the recently published results for the 4th quarter of 2018 and the trends recorded in the 1st quarter of this year additionally strengthens the validity of the Government's decision.
"Such results clearly show that Government's economic policy measures yield results. Therefore, the Government will continue to implement of all the planned measures with the aim of achieving key priorities - further economic growth and development, improvement of the living standards of citizens, improvement of the business environment and creation of new jobs. Furthermore, the Government will, as before, implement all these activities in constant communication with all interested stakeholders, namely social partners and entrepreneurs and representatives of the profession, science and the civil sector. "Only the joint efforts of the whole society towards progress can result in attaining desired goal - the European quality of life for our citizens," the session concluded.
It was stressed that at the beginning of the next year, the Government, in line with the circumstances, will make the next step with a new increase in the minimum wage.
The Government, by Amending the Conclusion No. 07-85 of 18 January 2018, expanded the Commission for the Fight against the Grey Economy.
The Government passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Tax Advisors, which creates the legal framework for the free provision of tax advisor services in Montenegro, both by Montenegrin citizens any citizens of the member states of the European Economic Area.
The Government adopted the Information on the issuance of state bonds in domestic market in order to provide funds for the 2019 budget.
The Cabinet adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy of the Cyber Security of Montenegro 2018-2021, for 2019. Defined goals represent a combination of security interests and responses to challenges, risks and threats, whose implementation through measures and activities in the Action Plan is a priority in the period covered by this document in order to implement the Strategy consistently. The Action Plan for 2018 envisaged 15 activities, out of which 11 were realised, realisation of 3 activities is in progress, while 1 activity was not realied.
The Government adopted the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society by 2020, for 2019. This document defines measures and activities for improvement of the normative-legal framework, administrative and material-technical capacities of the relevant authorities, monitoring of trends and new training and improvement programmes in this field, more intensive cooperation between all relevant institutions in the country, the region and at the international level, as and raising awareness of the use of information communication technologies.
The session adopted the Action Plan for Implementation of the Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro 2016-2020, for 2019. The discussion stressed that the identified activities focused on the key goal of the Strategy - achieving full social inclusion of Roma and Egyptians through improving their socio-economic position in Montenegro.
The Cabinet adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings and the Action Plan for the period from 1 July to 31 December 2018. It was also emphasised that the introduction of measures and activities, better awareness of the entire public, especially the target groups of the population on mechanisms for combating trafficking in human beings, and their resistance against potential challenges, enhanced professional capacities of representatives of institutions that can come into contact with victims of trafficking in human beings and increased number of filed criminal charges for the criminal offense of trafficking in human beings. In addition, regional cooperation and activities in the fight against trafficking in human beings were improved bythe engagement of all those were involved at local and national levels in line with their mandate.
The Government adopted the Report on the Work of the Public Administration Reform Council for 2018. Bearing in mind that public administration reform is one of the 3 pillars of the enlargement of the European Union, the Government noted that the work of the Council in the past year has been focused on ensuring transparency of the reform, as well as high-quality monitoring and coordination of implementation of activities. During the reporting period, public administration reform continued to be implemented with the planned intensity, with the engagement of all relevant institutions, both in terms of the implementation of activities, as well as monitoring and coordination of the process itself.
Today's session also adopted the Analysis of the normative framework in the area of free access to information. The Law on Free Access to Information fully addresses issues of relevance to the manner and procedure of exercising the right to free access to information. However, in achieving and protecting the right to access information, certain challenges have been identified that negatively affect the efficiency of the work of the bodies, the exercise of rights, and hence the transparency of the work of the body. It was noted that proactive disclosure of information, as an obligation of the authorities, is an area that can be further improved in order to promote the principle of transparency of the work of the authorities and the principle of the right of the public to be familiar with the actions of the body. The law obliges the authorities to provide citizens with access to information, thereby strengthening citizens' confidence in the functions of the system and the rule of law. At the same time, it is equally important for citizens to apply legal provisions in accordance with their purpose and to protect the State against abuse. In that regard, the meeting emphasised the need to legally regulate in Montenegro, as well as in many other countries, the abuse of the right to access information.
The Cabinet adopted the Draft Spatial Plan of the Municipality of Kotor, as the basis for determining the policy of development, arrangement and use of space and defining municipal strategies, plans and programmes, including policies for their realisation, based on the principles of sustainable development, modern principles and standards of organisation and use of space, as well as integral observation and planning of development, protection of the environment, protection of natural and cultural-historical heritage and construction in space.
The Government adopted the Decision on drafting amendments to the spatial plan of the Municipality of Ulcinj in order to create the conditions for the implementation of the project for the exploitation of solar energy.
The Government adopted the Decision on drafting amendments to the spatial plan of the Municipality of Ulcinj in order to create the conditions for the implementation of the project for the exploitation of solar energy.
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