- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 117th Cabinet session
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Press release from 117th Cabinet session
Published on: Apr 11, 2019 • 11:59 PM Author: PR Service

Podgorica, Montenegro (11 April 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Programme of Action of the Government of Montenegro for the first quarter of 2019. The overall realisation of the Government's Programme of Action for the first quarter of 2019 is 85.3%, while most of the remaining obligations are in the final stage of processing or harmonisation with the European Commission.
Realisation of obligations from the Government's Programme of Action for the first quarter of 2019 under the jurisdiction of the Commission for Political System, Interior and Foreign Policies is 95.5%, while the realisation of obligations under the competence of the Commission for Economic Policy and Financial System is 76.5%.
The Report on the Implementation of the Conclusions of the Government of Montenegro for 2018 was also adopted. The percentage of realisation of conclusions in the previous year is 88.9%.
The discussion expressed satisfaction with the degree of realisation of the conclusions in the previous one, as well as the obligations foreseen by the Government's Programme of Action in the first quarter of the current year.
The Government adopted the First Quarterly Report on the Implementation of the Obligations of the Montenegro Accession Programme to the European Union for the period 2019-2020.
The Government gave its consent to the financial support for the co-financing of the proposed sports clubs from the first category of sports in the Olympic Games. The Government tasked the Ministry of Sport and Youth to determine the individual amounts for the co-financing of the proposed sports clubs based on the submitted programmes of sports clubs related to the performance of sports activities and the implementation of sports activities in 2019, and within the allocated funds. For this purpose, the Ministry provided funds in the amount of 300,000 euros, and the selection of sports clubs for co-financing was made in relation to the following criteria: participation and results on the international scene, tradition, balanced regional development, success from the previous year, equal representation of men and women.
Several members of the Government in the discussion expressed full support for the principled policy of the Ministry of Sports and Youth, stressing that this policy was given unanimous support at the sessions of the Government's permanent working bodies.
In order to more efficiently conduct financial investigations, as well as to specify and harmonise certain provisions, the Cabinet passed Draft Law Amending the Law on Confiscation of Property Benefit from Criminal Activity. The discussion emphasised that this Law represents a powerful weapon in the fight against crime, provided that it is used with the high professionalism and professional integrity of all who apply it.
The Government did not accept the Amendment to the Draft Law Amending the Law on State Symbols and the Statehood Day of Montenegro (Proposer Andrija Popović, MP).
Today's session adopted the Third semiannual report on the implementation of measures from the Action Plan for the implementation of the Judicial Reform Strategy for the period 2017-2018.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the proposal for a long-term loan agreement in the amount of 19,000,000 euros between the Chinese Development Bank and the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro and gave its consent to the text of the Agreement. The amount of 19,000,000 euros will be directed to entrepreneurs and small and medium enterprises, and is intended to support the liquidity of the Montenegrin economy - clients of the Investment and Development Fund.
The Government adopted the Information on contract proposals that are being implemented under the second phase of the "Energy efficiency programme in public buildings" and approved the Contract for the provision of consulting services for the project "Development of software for the calculation of energy performance of buildings" and the Annex to the Contract on performance of works on cluster objects V, which extends the deadline for the completion of works at the Komanski Most Institute, due to objective reasons, from 150 to 210 days.
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