- Government of Montenegro
FM Darmanović at celebration of Europe Day: EU acc...
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FM Darmanović at celebration of Europe Day: EU accession is process of entire society
Published on: May 10, 2019 • 10:16 PM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (10 May 2019) -- Minister of Foreign Affairs Srđan Darmanović delivered a speech at a ceremony marking Europe Day in Podgorica.
"Montenegro, which we have built together on the principles of civil society, its history and culture, the ideals of justice, equality and freedom, has long since belonged to Europe," Minister Darmanović said, adding that membership in the club of the most developed democracies today is the primary foreign policy priority of our country." In the process in which we work patiently to achieve the standards of the European legal system and high principles of the rule of law - the process of European integration, our entire society takes part. By providing strong and convincing majority support to Montenegro's accession to the European Union, citizens show that this process is their choice and the way they want to go," said the head of Montenegrin diplomacy.
Head of the EU Delegation to Montenegro Aivo Orav also spoke at the celebration in Podgorica. He said that Europe Day is celebrated each year in memory of the declaration of French Foreign Minister Robert Schuman, which announced the project of reconciliation and unification in Europe, and a new form of political cooperation.
Within today's celebration, the Foreign Minister also played a chess game with President of the European Chess Union Zarub Azmaiparashvili.
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