- Government of Montenegro
Berlin: Address by Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic ...
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Berlin: Address by Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic at 4th Business Conference on Southeast Europe
Published on: Nov 18, 2004 • 12:15 AM Author: Naslovna strana

Ladies and Gentleman,
It is always inspiring, a pleasure and an honor to be in Berlin and to address such a distinguished audience. Allow me to thank Mr. Brown, the Chairman of the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce, GTZ and other co-organizers for making such a prestigious and important conference possible.
The recent developments indicate that the region has made evident progress in terms of stability, sustainable development and European integration. The atmosphere of trust and solidarity is already visible. An upward trend in regional cooperation is present not only in political and economic issues but also in judicature and home affairs. Today, all countries of the Western Balkans are aware that mutual cooperation and integration are equally important as the integration into the EU and that the two processes must take place in parallel.

The European prospects of the Western Balkan countries are no longer merely matters of ambitious rhetoric, but realistic and attainable goals. However, there is a question of time dimension and key challenges to long-term stability. At any rate, the unfinished processes in the Balkans have proven to be a threat to the stability and Europeanization of the region. The most complex challenge is Kosovo, as the only remaining security problem in the religion. The relations between Montenegro and Serbia are the matters of democracy and development and, whatever the outcome may be, they will have no impact on regional security. And that is of critical importance. Our common heritage multiple bonds established throughout history and mutual European aspirations are supposed to facilitate a final settlement on mutual relations. The options that enable each state to take full responsibility for its European future and development have proved to be the best guarantee of national and regional stability and development. By adopting such an approach, we would prove that we are capable of resolving such important issues in the European spirit, which recommend both Montenegro and Serbia for quicker access to Europe. That would also be in line with the so-called regatta principle, which constitutes the basis of the EUs policy towards the region.
Today, the problem with the region is much more in the domain of democratic and economic development, and at this point I would like to single out two major problems high unemployment rates and low level of investment. The sooner these problems are resolved the less space will remain for various forms of crime and corruption, which are the global phenomena with typical concentration in the countries in transition, rather than parts of the regions tradition. Democracy may take roots if the economic underdevelopment of the region is put behind, borders opened and the rule of law secured.
Germany continually proves that the region remains one of its most important priorities. This was demonstrated by launching the Stability Pact for Southeastern Europe. Such contribution is also symbolized by todays Conference.

In general, we might say that the region of Southeastern Europe has reached a turning point we have aspired to, and that is for development issues to become the main topic of our meetings. Likewise, by taking active part in regional initiatives and processes, we prove that a stable business environment free from barriers can also be developed in this region, in accordance with European principles. That is a clear signal sent from the region that we aspire to international cooperating and integration and that such a thing is possible and feasible, by which we confirm our readiness and capacity for future European integration.
Thank you for your attention
Berlin, 17 November 2004
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