- Government of Montenegro
Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic meets European Comm...
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Prime Minister Milo Djukanovic meets European Commissioner for Enlargement Olli Rehn
Published on: Apr 19, 2005 • 10:59 PM Author: Naslovna strana

Both parties expressed satisfaction that Commissioner Rehns visit was occasioned by a favorable Feasibility Study. Furthermore, it was agreed that this first step was a result of the level of progress achieved, but that at the same time it required further acceleration in political, economic, legislative and institutional reforms, since the advancement of this and subsequent stages in the EU accession process would depend on the degree in which European standards were adopted. In that respect, fulfillment of obligations towards the Hague Tribunal was recognized as the main priority and a precondition for further progress.
Emphasizing that Montenegro had the required intellectual, professional and operational capacity for the realization of our democratic goals, Prime Minister Djukanovic also observed that the twin track approach allowed us to make concrete progress towards Europe in 2005, within the existing state arrangement with Serbia.
Commissioner Rhen thanked Prime Minister Djukanovic for his comprehensive and thorough information on Montenegros political and economic development. He agreed that it was important for the Feasibility Study to present the existing situation objectively in all aspects, being based on actual facts and results. By the same token, Commissioner Rhen expressed the readiness to modify certain segments of the Study, emphasizing that the forthcoming meeting of the Enhanced Permanent Dialogue was a good opportunity to exchange views on that subject.
Referring to referendum, Prime Minister Djukanovic stressed that it would be organized in accordance with international standards and that, as a democratic act, it would help strengthen political stability in Montenegro and the region. In that context, confirming his adherence to the provisions set forth in the Constitutional Charter, Commissioner Rhen agreed that a countrys integration rate was not decided by its size, but by individual capacity to fulfill the requirements and obligations associated with the EU membership.
In conclusion, both officials confirmed their readiness to strengthen the partnership recognizing real prospects for Montenegros European future, which was a common goal.
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