- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 123th Cabinet session
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Press release from 123th Cabinet session
Published on: May 31, 2019 • 2:11 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (30 May 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Report on the implementation of the Action Plan for the implementation of the Public Administration Reform Strategy 2016-2020 for 2018. The discussion showed satisfaction with the achieved positive trends in 2017, which speaks about the results of the implemented activities in the field of coordination and management of the reform process, both from the political and operational standpoints. Having in mind the above-mentioned evaluations and recommendations from the 2018 European Commission's report, all the institutions involved in the public administration reform process were dedicated to the implementation of a number of activities, as a continuation of the initiated reform process. It was pointed out that the strong support provided by the Government to this process as a whole and in the upcoming period will be a priority on the political, economic and social agenda. Also, it was emphasised that further reform steps should be planned in real terms in order to implement the reform focusing on the most important points: the continuation of the process of optimising the number of employees in the public sector, improvement of the personnel capacities for the implementation of reforms through the full implementation of the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees and the establishment of a system of managing the quality of public services provided by the Montenegrin administration.
The Government passed the Startegy to fight fraud and manage irregularities in order to protect the EU's financial interests for the period 2019-2022. The main reason for the adoption of this document is to ensure the adequate management of EU funds through a well-organised system that, through the cooperation of all entities involved in the process of managing and using IPA funds, will contribute to their proper use and implementation of the planned activities. The defined strategic goals and measures will, inter alia, harmonise domestic legislation with that of the EU in securing a higher degree of protection of EU financial interests, strengthening administrative capacities and conducting trainings at all levels of the AFCOS system, preventing irregularities and fraud by establishing better communication with the public and among employees, and in ensuring timely reporting of irregularities and fraud by the introduction of an information system for electronic reporting.
Today's session also adopted the Strategy for the exercise of the rights of the child of 2019-202, with the Action Plan for the period 2019-2020, which represents a national and comprehensive document dedicated to improving the conditions for exercising the rights of the child in all areas covered by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child and its optional protocols. Activities and measures for achieving these goals are defined within three strategic objectives: improvement of inter-sectoral cooperation and other key conditions for the exercising the rights of the child; improving the accessibility and quality of social and health care and education for all children; preventing all forms of violence against children and improving the implementation of special measures for the protection of children.
The Government considered the Information on the need for a stronger and faster improvement of the business environment. It was pointed out that the increasingly demanding market competition in the regional and beyond, for competitiveness of business environment, as the most important precondition for attracting foreign investments, economic growth and job creation, means the commitment of the entire administration to implementing coordinated measures and activities in the long run.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the signing of the Memorandum on the framework of cooperation for the International Institute for Sustainable Technologies in South East Europe. It is a regional project for cannon cancer therapy and research in the field of biomedicine using protons and heavier ions. The Government accepted the text of the Memorandum, which sets out the joint activities of the countries participating in the project in the implementation of the Preparatory Phase and does not create any rights or obligations under international law, and was drafted by the Project Steering Committee.
The Government adopted the Report on the Work of the Council for Cooperation between the State Administration and NGOs in 2018, which contains an overview of the activities of the Council in the previous year and conclusions and recommendations for the forthcoming period.
The Government also adopted the Report on the Implementation of the Action Plans (for 2015, 2016 - 2018) for the implementation of the Strategy for Cooperation with Emigrants for the period 2015-2018. Of the 64 activities defined by the Action Plans for 2015 and 2016-2018, 58% and 90.6% were implemented respectively, while 6 activities or 9.4% were not implemented.
The Cabinet adopted the Report on the work of the Protector of Property and Legal interests of Montenegro for 2018. The conclusion of the Report emphasises the need for strengthening human resources and better technical equipment of all three Ombudsman's offices, as well as the fact that the Law on the Protector of Property and Legal Interest should determine the position of the Protector and define its competencies, having in mind that similar bodies in the region do not exist.
The Government passed the Decision on enactment of Amendments to the Spatial-Urban Plan of the Municipality of Mojkovac. The document covers two locations, one of which is foreseen for the construction of a facility for the execution of criminal sanctions, and in another location, the transformed area creates conditions for the legalising informal facilities. By adopting amendments, which have integrated the analysis of all elements of the purpose and organisation of the use of space, conditions have been created for the construction and encouragement of further development of a wider area.
In accordance with the Law on Local Government, the Government passed the Decision on warning to the Municipal Assembly of Kotor. Bearing in mind the fact that the Municipal Assembly of Kotor has not functioned for more than six months, the Decision, in order to protect the rights of citizens to local government, warns Municipal Assembly of Kotor to hold a session within 20 days in order to fulfill its functions, that is, to execute the obligation prescribed by law.
The Government approved the Draft Amendment to the Draft Law Amending the Law on Internal Trade in relation to the opinion of the Legislative Committee of the Parliament of Montenegro. The amendment clearly stipulates the types of sales facilities and points of sale that will, exceptionally from the provision that wholesale and retail trade cannot be performed on Sundays and on national and other holidays, have the opportunity to work on these days.
The amendment to the Draft Law Amending the Law on Internal Trade, submitted to the Parliament of Montenegro by Andrija Popović, MP, was not accepted.
The amendments by Draginja Vuksanović Stankovic, MP, to the Draft Law Amending the Law on Municipal Police, which were submitted to the Government by the Parliament of Montenegro, were not accepted.
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