- Government of Montenegro
Please note: The page below represents the archived content relating to the previous Government of Montenegro. Some of the information might be inaccurate or outdated.
Published on: Jun 4, 2019 • 2:52 PM Author: Ministarstvo ekonomije
Pursuant to Article 11, paragraph 3, Article 48, paragraph 1 and Article 49 of the Law on Nation Brand (Official Gazette of the Republic of Montenegro, No. 37/17) the Ministry of Economy is announcing
The Ministry of Economy invites all interested parties, individuals and groups of authors to take part in the Contest for the selection of the logo and slogan of the national brand of Montenegro (hereinafter: the visual identity of the national brand). This contest is international and open to all individuals and groups of authors where a group of authors is obliged to nominate one representative. All legal and natural persons from Montenegro and abroad can apply at the contest. The contest is anonymous and the works are to be submitted under the code.
1. The task of the contest
The task of the contest is to create a visual identity of the national brand of Montenegro, which should reflect the spirit of authentic Montenegro, a country of traditional and contemporary values, rich cultural and historical heritage, natural beauty, rich flora and fauna, land of prominent heroes, hospitable and happy people, as well as atractive and exciting country that represents a reliable partner in international relations in the world. Like every state Montenegro has its specificities, and some of them are recognized by the domestic and foreign public, through the Survey of Perceptions of Domestic and Foreign Publics, conducted by the Ministry of Economy in 2018, as follows:
• economic potentials for the development of a competing identity;
• ecological and geographical specificity;
• attractiveness of Montenegro as an investment and tourist destination;
• a wealth of natural resources and attractions;
• rich cultural and historical heritage.
The visual identity of the national brand should unify the specificities of Montenegro and maintain them in a unique way, so that through a graphic solution and a synchronized and comprehensive message, Montenegro could position itself in the foreign public awareness. The proposed visual identity should enable the comprehensive positioning of Montenegro as a state without isolating individual specificities of the state. On the other hand, visual identity should be created in such a manner that, from the general idea proposed specific recommendations may also arise, which are related to the general idea, but which are more specific for the individual sectors (representation of Montenegro as an investment destination, tourist destination, domestic products, destination attractive for life and work, etc.). In this manner, the conditions will be created for a more specific positioning of individual sectors under the framework of general idea.
2. Objective of the contest
The aim of the contest is to select the original solution of the visual identity of national brand of Montenegro, which reflects the specialty and recognizability of Montenegro as a state and which symbolizes its values. By choosing the unique visual identity of the national brand, which combines the most important specificities of Montenegro, it is striving to create roof unique brand that, with its coverage and flexibility, would be adequate to use not only at the general, but also at the individual level in terms of use in all important sectors, the strategic ones such as agriculture, energy and tourism, as well as in the sectors of export and investments, cultural and historical heritage, sports, attracting people to live and work in Montenegro and similar.
The solution of the visual identity of the national brand should enable unambiguous communication with the foreign countries in order to attract more direct foreign investments, visitors, increase of exports of domestic products, as well as domestic production, strengthening of Montenegro as an international partner, improvement of its image as a future member of the European Union and similar.
3. Coverage of the contest solution
The contest solution should include the logo and slogan of the national brand that constitute a single entity.
The logo should contain:
1) the name of the national brand that reads "Montenegro", i.e. the international name "Montenegro", which is a unique print and an integral part of the slogan; and
2) graphism-sign/symbol (sign/symbols) that expresses the specialty of Montenegro.
The slogan should represent a short and clear aesthetic message that enables the creation of appropriate emotions and positive association in the consciousness of the foreign public. The message should be based on the specialty of Montenegro and to enable differentiation of Montenegro in relation to other countries, providing a clear indication to the foreign public about the country in question. The slogan could be derived from a profile of the state's brand, national identity and/or key competitive advantages. A complete visual identity composed of the logo and slogan of the national brand in its meaning and essence serves for the positioning of the state brand or the creation of a positive image in the consciousness of the foreign public.
Note: The above-mentioned building elements can be physically separated or connected in any way, which inter alia means, that the slogan can be designed to represent the brand logo. The name "Montenegro" should have a unique print and be an integral part of the slogan. The contest solution is delivered in both, Montenegrin and English.
4. Terms of the contest
In order to participate in the contest, legal and natural persons should submit a contest solution with the documentation in a closed white envelope which should contain three closed white envelopes of smaller size. Each of these three envelopes should be marked with an Arabic number on the back and should contain the following:
1) Envelope number 1 - contest solution (printed unilaterally and bound with spiral), which contains:
a) The standard of solutions presented in A4 format;
b) Proposal of solutions in color and black and white version (screwed and hatched) in positive and negative;
c) Simulation of plastic fabrication of solutions in solid material (shallow or deep relief);
d) Color palette and their definitions in color spaces Pantone, CMYK and RGB, accompanying graphic constants, types and background colors for the application of compositional variants (horizontal, upright, rotated), magnification or reduction test, drywall simulation and isolation zone;
e) Proposal of solutions to memorandum, business cards, folders, envelopes, seals, textiles, football jerseys, ATL or BTL forms of advertising of your choice, food and non-food packaging, screens (PAL or HDTV), additional applications;
f) A textual explanation of the solution explaining the symbolism of the color scheme, etc. semiotics and semantics of the solutions and its connection with the topic and manner of communication with internal and especially external target audiences;
2) Envelope number 2 - a compact disk template solution in digital vector form and in one of the electronic files based on PostScrip (EPS, AL, PS or PDF); and
3) Envelope number 3 - filled:
a) Application for contest given in a Form 1;
b) Statement by the author of contest solution that the contest solution is used exclusively for selection of the logo and that it is not use for any other purpose, given in a Form 2;
c) Statement by the author of the contest solution on the authority and the ownership of the proposed solution and its components, given in a Form 3; and
d) Statement by the author of the contest solution on the transfer of contest solution to the state property and assinging of property and other rights, given in the Form 4.
Envelope number 3 opens only in the case of a winning decision.
Participants are obliged to submit a complete book of graphic standards together with the solutions of the visual identity of the national brand.
5. Method of submitting contest solution
The contest solution is submitted under the code number that consists of letters and numbers, which do not jeopardize the anonymity of the participants. The participants themselves choose the code before submitting the documentation provided for by the terms of contest. On the back of each envelope and the complete documentation, the code under which the candidate participates in the contest should be printed.
One candidate can participate in several proposals which must be submitted as special contest elaborates under the different codes.
6. The address to which the contest solutions are submitted is:
Ministry of Economy
Directorate for National Brand Development and Consumer Protection
Rimski trg 46
81 000 Podgorica, Montenegro
With the code under which author participates in the contest printed on the back of the envelope.
7. Duration of the contest
The contest is open from May 21, 2019 to July 4, 2019.
8. Contact information for questions and downloading the forms from point 4 of the text of the contest
Contact person for additional information is Marija Čvorović, Head of the Directorate for Development of the National Brand, marija.cvorovic@mek.gov.me.
Forms 1, 2, 3 and 4 that are attached to the Contest and can be downloaded at the Ministry of Economy website: www.mek.gov.me.
9. Deadline for opening of the submitted contest solutions
The Expert’s commission appointed by the Ministry of Economy will consider the received solutions within 60 days and the result of the contest will be announced no later than 90 days after the expiration of the deadline from point 7 of this contest.
10. Award for the winning contest solution
For the best contest solution, a prize of 10.000,00 € will be awarded.
11. Criteria for evaluation of the contest solution
The Commission is carrying out the evaluation of the contest solution according to the following criteria:
1. Aesthetic solution - based on which it is assessed whether the contest solution leaves an impression on the members of the Commission in accordance with the significance of the national brand - 0-20 points;
2. Creativity - on the basis of which it is assessed whether the contest solution in a creative and inspirational way represents the state or national brand - 0-20 points;
3. Applicability - on the basis of which it is checked whether the contest solution is usable by means of transmitting the message and achieving communication - 0-20 points;
4. Uniqueness - on the basis of which it is determined whether the contest solution is unique without similarity to the existing brand marks or a reminder on other brands - 0-20 points, and
5. Simplicity - based on which it is assessed whether a contest solution is easy to spot, identify and use - 0-20 points.
12. Draft contract on the transfer of the right to a contest solution and accompanying documents and documentation
The draft contract on the transfer of the right to the tender and accompanying documents and documentation signed with the author of the winning contest solution can be downloaded on the website of the Ministry of Economy: www.mek.gov.me.
13. Other notes
The Ministry of Economy has the right, if there is a need, to require from the author to make certain adjustments to the contest solution of the visual identity of the national brand.
The Ministry of Economy reserves the right not to choose any offered solution and does not bear the costs for participation of the author in the contest.
The work must be the original work of the participant and must not be published beforehand in whole or in part or used for other purposes.
By submitting a contest solution, each participant accepts the terms of this Contest.
The contest material does not return back and remains in the archives of the Ministry of Economy.
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