- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation On science and innovation for green growth: Intern...
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On science and innovation for green growth: International Conference Green Days 2019
Published on: Jun 6, 2019 • 8:59 PM Author: Ministry of Science

International Conference Green Days 2019: Unlocking Green Growth Potential, organised by the Government of Montenegro, the Chamber of Economy of Montenegro and United Nations Development Programme, took place in Podgorica on 5-6 June 2019.
The Conference gathered business leaders, policymakers, representatives of international organisations and universities, academics, NGOs, learners and educators, representatives of the media and other relevant entities – to discuss a range of topics related to current trends in the field of green economy and their contribution to the global 2030 Agenda.
The Conference is organised to inspire businesses and governments to invest and build a greener future and amplify the importance of integrating economic and environmental policies in a way that opens the opportunities for new sources of economic growth.
The Conference gathered business leaders, policymakers, representatives of international organisations and universities, academics, NGOs, learners and educators, representatives of the media and other relevant entities – to discuss a range of topics related to current trends in the field of green economy and their contribution to the global 2030 Agenda.
The Conference is organised to inspire businesses and governments to invest and build a greener future and amplify the importance of integrating economic and environmental policies in a way that opens the opportunities for new sources of economic growth.

Within Plenary Session 3: Fostering Innovation for Green Growth, the Ministry of Science was represented by Branka Žižić, Acting Director General for Innovation and Technology Development, who was part of the Panel along with Piotr Szymanski, Director for Energy, Transport and Climate at the Joint Research Centre (EC); Nebojša Nakićenović, Deputy Director General, IIASA, Vienna; Erich Hoedl, Vice-president, European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Vienna; Ivana Strahinić, Deputy Director, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Belgrade; and Tatevik Koloyan, UNDP Armenia Environmental programme officer/Innovation platform lead – Yerevan. The panel moderator was Dobrivoje Lale Erić, Head of International Cooperation, Centre for Promotion of Science, Belgrade.

• Human capacity and demography;
• Consumption and production;
• Decarbonisation and energy;
• Food, biosphere and water;
• Smart cities; and
• Digital revolution.
Branka Žižić talked about the development of Smart Specialisation Strategy of Montenegro, which is harmonised with the sustainable development goals and which could be the operationalisation of the global goals in the field of economic development at the level of Montenegro. Currently, public debate is underway about the Strategy.
On behalf of the Government of Montenegro, the Conference was opened by Mr. Milutin Simović, Deputy Prime Minister.
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