- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 125th Cabinet session
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Press release from 125th Cabinet session
Published on: Jun 14, 2019 • 1:56 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (13 June 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet passed the Draft Law on the Restriction of Usage of Tobacco Products.
The Government also passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Contributions for Compulsory Social Insurance, which proposes to reduce the rate of contributions for health insurance at the expense of the employer from 4.3 to 2.3%. The proposal, together with the increase in minimum wage, is part of a complete solution designed to improve the standard of employees, while at the same time not slowing the growth of employment and the competitiveness of the economy. The discussion emphasised that this solution will have a neutral effect on the budget in the medium term and ensure the collection of revenues projected in the process of fiscal consolidation.
The Government passed the Draft Law on the Confirmation of the 2005 Protocol Amending the Convention on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against the Safety of Maritime Navigation, and Draft Law on the Confirmation of the 2005 Protocol Amending the Protocol on the Suppression of Unlawful Acts against Security of Fixed Platforms located on the Continental Shelf. The proposed laws, in accordance with international standards, further improve the national legal framework for the prevention of all forms of terrorist acts directed against ships, thereby reducing the risk to passengers, crew and port personnel on ships and in port areas. It was concluded that Montenegro also contributes to global efforts to combat all forms of terrorism.
Today's meeting also adopted the Revision of the Road Map for the Research Infrastructure of Montenegro 2019-2020. The aim of the document is to provide a detailed overview of the research infrastructure in Montenegro, define priorities and sources of financing in this area, identify the potential for regional and large European research infrastructure, as well as to identify priorities for the next period.
In accordance with the Law on Restitution of Seized Property Rights and Compensation, the Government passed the Regulation on determining the payment of compensation to former owners of seized property rights in cash for 2019. The payment of compensation is calculated according to the value of 3 percent of the outstanding amount outstanding, determined by the final decisions of the commission. It is stipulated that the payment will start on 15 July 2019, and a total of EUR 2.5 million is allocated for this purpose.
In order to diversify the tourism product and develop new types of supply, the Government passed the Regulation on minimum technical conditions and the manner of providing certain tourist services that include sports and recreational and adventure activities. The proposal of the regulation prescribes the conditions for improving the provision of certain tourist services: diving, parachute jumping, canyoning, kite-surfing, bungee jumping, zip-lining and cable car driving. The discussion emphasised that the application of the Regulation will contribute to the development of a high-quality tourism product in the northern part of Montenegro, thus achieving the goals set out in the strategic documents aimed at establishing a more balanced regional development of the State.
The Government adopted the Action Plan for Implementation of the Regional Development Strategy of Montenegro for the period 2014-2020, for 2019, which envisages investments totaling 807,374,218 euros. The Action Plan is focused on three key development priorities at the national level - achieving smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, which have been addressed through a sectoral approach, or through further improvement of the priority areas of Montenegro's development. For each priority area, at the level of all three regions, measures are defined that contain specific activities, programmes and projects necessary for the realisation of the Strategy in the given area. The document integrates inputs from 18 local government units, 10 ministries, 3 administrations, the Employment Agency and the Investment and Development Fund of Montenegro.
Today's session adopted the Information on the need to establish an information system for electronic project management funded from EU funds. It was emphasised that since 2007 Montenegro has successfully planned the spending of over EUR 700 million of non-refundable support from the European Union and has made significant success in its use. At the same time, it is also an effective preparation for the use of the more generous European structural and investment funds that will be available to Montenegro after gaining full membership in the European Union. One of the final benchmarks for the negotiation chapter 22 - Regional Policy and Coordination of Structural Instruments - provides for the development of a detailed plan for the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation system, including the establishment of an appropriate information system aimed at the electronic coordination of contracting, implementation, monitoring and reporting, both in technical and financial terms. Bearing in mind the current scope of EU support and projections for the forthcoming period, it is estimated that the information system for electronic management of projects financed from EU funds is already in place at this stage of the accession process, and they have made concrete conclusions in that direction.
The Government got acquainted with the Information on the status of implementation of the project for construction and reconstruction of a section of the Lubnica - Jezerina road, which contains data on changes in the prices of certain materials.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on the undertaken and planned activities on the implementation of the Law on international and temporary protection of foreigners when it comes to acceptance and accommodation of foreigners seeking international protection. The Ministry of the Interior is in charge of continuing the implementation of activities in order to solve the problem of lack of accommodation capacities for foreigners seeking international protection; the Ministry of Finance will allocate funds from the budget reserve funds for the purchase of a land plot of 5,443m², amounting to 136,075 euros, in order to expand the lot of the Reception Centre and create the conditions for increasing accommodation capacities; and the Police Directorate is tasked to undertake activities to strengthen the security conditions in the facilities intended for acceptance and for the alternative accommodation of foreigners seeking international protection by increasing the number of police officers carrying out the tasks of protecting persons and property for 24 hours and raising the level of security in Konik settlement, where alternative accommodation is located, with more than 200 persons a day. The Ministry of Health is in charge of enhancing activities for prevention, immunisation and promotion of health in the population of foreigners seeking international protection in Montenegro, and the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism is in charge of accelerating activities on drafting amendments to the Spatial Urban Plan of the City of Podgorica.
The Government approved the text of the Contract on the provision of services of Agents for international due diligence assessment for the purpose of implementation of a special investment programme of special importance for the business and economic interests of Montenegro with the companies S-RM Intelligence and Risk Consulting LTD UK and Exiger Canada INC Canada, which fulfiled the conditions defined by the public call.
The Government passed the Decision on distribution of profit of "Monte put" d.o.o. Podgorica for 2018. The company "Monte put" is in charge of allocating EUR 970,741.50 from the net profit of the company for 2018 in the amount of EUR 1,386,773.57, which amounts to EUR 970,741.50.
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