- Government of Montenegro
Press release from 126th Cabinet session
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Press release from 126th Cabinet session
Published on: Jun 21, 2019 • 2:12 AM Author: PR Service
Podgorica, Montenegro (20 June 2019) -- At today's session, the Montenegrin Cabinet adopted the Smart Specialisation Strategy of Montenegro (2019-2024) - the first strategic document of this type adopted by a European country outside the EU.
By drafting the Strategy, Montenegro joins the EU initiative, which emphasises a new model of economic development based on targeted support for scientific-research and innovative activities. The Smart Specialisation Strategy sets development priorities, the goal of which is to build competitive advantage by linking their own forces in research and innovation to the needs of the economy, responding in a coherent way to the growing opportunities and market development. Smart specialisation as a key element of economic policy development increases the competitiveness of the economy by concentrating and linking research and innovation resources with a number of defined priority economic areas.
The Government passed the Draft Law Amending the Law on Out-of-Court Proceedings.
The Government passed the Regulation on Collection of Tax Claims with Property of Taxpayers. The regulation allows taxpayers who are not able to regularly pay off their due tax liabilities to pay the tax debt by property. This avoids blocking the account of taxpayers and enables them to continue their business. At the same time, more efficient collection of taxes is achieved and create conditions for taxpayers to properly settle their future tax obligations.
The Cabinet meeting adopted the Action Plan for Business Environment Improvement (in selected areas). In accordance with the Doing Business Reporting Methodology of the World Bank, the space for progress in five areas has been identified, the areas where there are opportunities for implementing further reforms in the context of improving the overall business environment in Montenegro. The action plan analysed the position of the country in terms of five indicators, with an action plan for improving the business environment in the followingareas: starting a business, obtaining a building permit, getting a connection for electricity, registering real estate and paying taxes.
The Government adopted the Information on the activities on the implementation of the regional project for the establishment of the International Institute for Sustainable Technologies in South East Europe (SEEIIST) - "Hadron cancer therapy and research in the field of biomedicine through protons and heavier ions". It was noted that the SEEIIST project, initiated in mid-2017, became the most serious regional development project in the field of science and technology, as well as health. In the meantime, the Declaration of Intent was signed at the level of the ministers responsible for the field of science in the region (8 contracting parties), the Steering Committee was established, strong support was pledged by the global scientific community and the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission. The information provides an overview of past activities, as well as an action plan by 2028, when, according to current estimates, the Institute could be put into operation.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on activities on realisation of priority projects in the field of tourism for the period from January to June 2019. Based on the data related to each of the priority projects individually, with financial indicators of the total realised investments in the previous period, and in the reporting period, it was concluded that most of the projects on the coast are carried out according to the contracted dynamics - in accordance with the obligations under the contracts and Investment programmes, while it is necessary to intensify the implementation of the projects in the north of the country.
The Government adopted the List of Development Projects in the field of tourism and included the construction of the condo hotel Kolašin Resort & Spa, Kolašin, submitted by Podgorica-based Kolašin Resort & Spa A.D.
The first project submitted under the Governmental Decision on the criteria, method and procedure for the election of a person who can acquire Montenegrin citizenship by admission for the implementation of a special investment programme of special importance for the economic and economic interest of Montenegro implies the construction of a four star hotel in Kolašin, a capacity of 93 accommodation units or 380 beds and an estimated investment value of 11,360,959 euros. The investment implies the creation of 66 new jobs.
The Government adopted the Information on the activities of the Regional School of Public Administration - ReSPA from 2016 to 2018. It was noted that ResSPA, as the leading regional organisation for the development of public administration, in the previous period, contributed to the improvement of regional cooperation in public administration reform, improvement of the quality of public services and capacity of civil servants. The Government tasked the Property Management Agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and management of ReSPA, to draft and submit amendments to the Agreement on the right to use premises, equipment and hotel facility ReSPA, which was signed on 29 April 2015 in Podgorica, in order to take over the management of the hotel, and within 30 days submit the purpose of its use.
The Government adopted the Information on the activities on the implementation of the regional project for the establishment of the International Institute for Sustainable Technologies in South East Europe (SEEIIST) - "Hadron cancer therapy and research in the field of biomedicine through protons and heavier ions". It was noted that the SEEIIST project, initiated in mid-2017, became the most serious regional development project in the field of science and technology, as well as health. In the meantime, the Declaration of Intent was signed at the level of the ministers responsible for the field of science in the region (8 contracting parties), the Steering Committee was established, strong support was pledged by the global scientific community and the Directorate General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission. The information provides an overview of past activities, as well as an action plan by 2028, when, according to current estimates, the Institute could be put into operation.
The Cabinet adopted the Information on activities on realisation of priority projects in the field of tourism for the period from January to June 2019. Based on the data related to each of the priority projects individually, with financial indicators of the total realised investments in the previous period, and in the reporting period, it was concluded that most of the projects on the coast are carried out according to the contracted dynamics - in accordance with the obligations under the contracts and Investment programmes, while it is necessary to intensify the implementation of the projects in the north of the country.
The Government adopted the List of Development Projects in the field of tourism and included the construction of the condo hotel Kolašin Resort & Spa, Kolašin, submitted by Podgorica-based Kolašin Resort & Spa A.D.
The first project submitted under the Governmental Decision on the criteria, method and procedure for the election of a person who can acquire Montenegrin citizenship by admission for the implementation of a special investment programme of special importance for the economic and economic interest of Montenegro implies the construction of a four star hotel in Kolašin, a capacity of 93 accommodation units or 380 beds and an estimated investment value of 11,360,959 euros. The investment implies the creation of 66 new jobs.
The Government adopted the Information on the activities of the Regional School of Public Administration - ReSPA from 2016 to 2018. It was noted that ResSPA, as the leading regional organisation for the development of public administration, in the previous period, contributed to the improvement of regional cooperation in public administration reform, improvement of the quality of public services and capacity of civil servants. The Government tasked the Property Management Agency, in cooperation with the Ministry of Public Administration and management of ReSPA, to draft and submit amendments to the Agreement on the right to use premises, equipment and hotel facility ReSPA, which was signed on 29 April 2015 in Podgorica, in order to take over the management of the hotel, and within 30 days submit the purpose of its use.
Today session adopted the Information on the signing of the Agreement Amending the Guarantee Agreement for the "Montenegrin Railway III" project, signed on 20 March 2017, and the text of the Agreement Amending the Guarantee Agreement between Montenegro and the European Investment Bank.
The Government adopted the Information on the Signing of the Collective Agreement of National Broadcaster RTCG, accepted the Collective Agreement of the RTCG and tasked the Minister of Culture to sign it on behalf of the Government.
The Government adopted the Information on the Signing of the Collective Agreement of National Broadcaster RTCG, accepted the Collective Agreement of the RTCG and tasked the Minister of Culture to sign it on behalf of the Government.
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