- Government of Montenegro
Ministry of Justice Students from Cetinje met with the work of the Min...
Students from Cetinje met with the work of the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights
The students of Secondary Vocational School, Gymnasium and Elementary School "Njegos" from Cetinje paid a visit today to the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights. The students' visit was organized under the the project "Let understanding be the way" financed by Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and implemented by the NGO Active zone from Cetinje.
The aim of the project is beside other things raising the level of information among young people from Cetinje about the situation and human rights of LGBTI people and the visit to the Ministry is a continuation of the project activities that this non-governmental organization realized in the previous period.
The students were received by employees of the Ministry, who presented them the role that Ministry for Human and Minority Rights has in the system of the executive power, its competencies in the context of the protection and promotion of human rights and freedoms, as well as the cooperation it has with international and domestic partners in creating social environment in which human rights are strictly respected, where diversity and tolerance are nurtured as basic values that contribute to the strengthening of the overall cohesion of Montenegrin society.
The representatives of the Ministry introduced the students with the practical activities that it accomplishes with the aim of strengthening the social acceptance of marginalized social groups, especially LGBTI people. Further, they were introduced with a series of publications prepared by Ministry in the previous period, aimed at informing the public about contemporary international human rights standards and the need for their implementation in Montenegro.
During the conversation, students showed a significant level of knowledge regards key concepts in the field of protection against discrimination, as well as knowledge of the problems that LGBTI people face in their everyday life. Special interest was shown towards the position of LGBTI people in Montenegrin society, their legal rights and the specific situations they encounter.
Representatives of Ministry for Human and Minority Rights and the representative of the NGO Active Zone agreed that the visit was of great importance for informing students from Cetinje about the human rights of LGBTI people and that such activities contribute to changing the social perception of LGBTI people and their better social acceptance.
Ministry for Human and Minority Rights