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Minister Nuhodžić: All entities of the society must be united in the fight against trafficking in human beings

Published on: Feb 28, 2021 7:29 PM Author: MUP
On the occasion of the Strategy for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings for the period 2019-2024 which was adopted at today's session of the Government, the Minister of the Interior Mevludin Nuhodžić, being the guest at the show “Zumiranje” at the Public Broadcaster Service, said that this strategic document shows the Government's determination to effectively tackle all aspects of trafficking in human beings. He emphasized that the fight against trafficking in human beings requires the coordination of all entities of society: state bodies, local community, non-governmental sector, media, citizens. We need to be united in the fight against trafficking in human beings- Nuhodžić said.

Speaking about prevention, the Minister said that special attention will be paid to measures targeted at children, as the most vulnerable category, through the introduction of accredited training programs for teachers, as well as education for all structures in the criminal procedure in relation to the situation of the child victim. As a particularly important activity, he reported that the Ministry of the Interior, in cooperation with the Ministry of Education, plans to implement a project in order to teach children how to protect themselves, how not to become victims, how to recognize and avoid labor and sexual exploitation through the lectures of police officers in schools. In the context of protection of victims, activities on strengthening the capacity of a special unit in the Police Directorate will be intensified, which is aimed at combating smuggling and trafficking in human beings and illegal migration.

Also, the Minister announced the establishment of a specialized multi-agency body for the formal identification of victims of trafficking in human beings, which will enable the focus of victim identification to be transferred to the aspect of human rights. One of the novelties is the identification of security centers, security departments, prosecutors' offices and courts requiring special rooms for taking evidence from children who are victims of trafficking. In the part of the prosecution, the focus will be on conducting joint investigations with the countries of origin, transit and destination by forming joint investigative teams.

As the Minister assessed, that one of the important steps that will contribute to more efficient processing of the perpetrators of this criminal offense is the establishment of the Operational Team for Combating Trafficking in Human Beings, which already gives results. In this regard, the Minister expressed the appreciation for the U.S. Embassy and the ICITAP Office in Podgorica on the expressed willingness to support the exchange of experiences and to strengthen the material and technical capacities of the Operational Team.

In addition, the Minister noted that good cooperation with the civil sector is being realized continuously, and the confirmation of this partnership is a good implementation of the Agreement on mutual cooperation between state institutions and six non-governmental organizations, the work of SOS hotlines for victims of trafficking in human beings, as well as the improvement of services at the disposal of the victims at the Shelter for Victims and Potential Victims of Trafficking in Human Beings.

A better assessment and quick response to potential criminal threats, including the risk of trafficking in human beings, is also a result of the successful implementation of the Schengen Action Plan, the Minister said, stressing that over 90% of the planned measures have been met. Through the procurement of modern equipment, techniques and vehicles, border surveillance has been enhanced and the Border Police's work improved, and the realization of projects for the construction and reconstruction of border crossing points (Ranče, Šćepan Polje and Vraćenovići) and facilities for more detailed control of entry and exit from the country is planned, for a better prevention of cross-border crime and all forms of smuggling.
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