- Government of Montenegro
PM Marković at PMQs: Montenegro is on safe and cer...
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PM Marković at PMQs: Montenegro is on safe and certain path of economic and social progress
Published on: Jun 26, 2019 • 10:57 PM Author: PR Service
"The Government is continuously working to improve the economic situation and create a social environment that will mean a better life for every citizen of Montenegro. These are generally accepted and visible facts that are supported by a significant result," Prime Minister Duško Marković said at the Prime Minister's Question session, answering the question of MP Anka Vukićević about the social environment in Montenegro.
PM Marković reminded that the latest indicators of EUROSTAT for 2018 indicate that the gross domestic product per capita according to the purchasing power standard, as an important indicator of living standard, increased in Montenegro in 2018 to 47 percent of the EU average, which is the highest in the region, since in other countries of the Western Balkans is about 40% of the EU average or lower. He estimated that an increase in living standard has contributed to economic growth of nearly five percent last year. A positive trend continued in the first quarter of 2019, when we recorded a growth of three percent, on already high development standards, which is above the EU average.
"A number of policies and reform measures are being implemented in order to improve the social status of employees, to promote new opportunities in the labour market, especially for vulnerable categories of the population. The results achieved in relation to the beginning of the Government's mandate speak sufficiently about commitment and dedication to achieving the set goals. Namely, the average number of employees in the first four months of 2019 is almost 18,000 higher than in the same period of 2018. So, in the percentages it is an impressive 8 percent. I agree with you that we can also discuss the quality of the workplace and everything that it brings, but that is the fact that these are new employees," the Prime Minister emphasised.
When it comes to emigration, especially of young people, the Prime Minister said that we are working to slow down and stop the emigration from Montenegro, especially if it is motivated by economic reasons.
Speaking about concrete projects that influence the improvement of living conditions, the Prime Minister recalled the construction of a high school in Golubovci worth EUR 4.5 million; about millions of euros invested in the reconstruction of part of the road Rožaje-Štedim; EUR half a million for the square in Plav; as well as support for 95 young beekeepers or grants worth EUR 10,000 per month for 144 young farmers. He also mentioned the rehabilitation of the railroad to the north worth over EUR 4 million, a tender for the Retirement home in Nikšić worth EUR 2.7 million, the beginning of works on the tourist and sporting valorization of the former slag heap in Mojkovac, as well as the reconstruction of the Health Center in Berane and further works worth EUR 6 million, in order to increase energy efficiency in our health centers and hospitals.
"The budgets proposed by this Government, which have been adopted here in the Parliament, are developmental rather than consumer-oriented! We need time to see it and actually feel it. In 2018 about EUR 75 million was allocated for social and child care. According to this criterion, we are at the top of the regional, as well as wider standards," the Prime Minister stated.
When it comes to the persons suffering from addictions and mentally ill citizens, the Prime Minister assessed that our public health system is successfully dealing with the challenges of this type, saying that, according to the Institute of Public Health, there has been no increase in the last four years in the number of people with mental illness. Bearing in mind that the protection and improvement of mental health is a complex process that encompasses many segments, and as a testimony of a responsible attitude towards the health of our citizens, the Government of Montenegro adopted the 2019 – 2023 Strategy for the Protection and Improvement of Mental Health.
PHOTO: https://flic.kr/s/aHsmEwRzjE
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/oyV3heewl7M
VIDEO: https://youtu.be/oyV3heewl7M
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